Java Nio 简明教程

Java NIO Tutorial

Java NIO 是一个用于使用 HTML 和 JavaScript 构建 Web 应用程序的开源 JavaScript 框架。本教程着眼于 Java NIO 框架的各个方面,其中包括框架的基础知识、Angular 的设置以及如何使用框架的各个方面。本教程中讨论的其他主题是高级章节,例如此 Angular 中的接口、嵌套组件和服务。本教程还处理路由、模块和数组等主题。

Java NIO is an open source JavaScript framework to build web applications in HTML and JavaScript. This tutorial looks at the various aspects of Java NIO framework which includes the basics of the framework, the setup of Angular and how to work with the various aspects of the framework. Other topics discussed in the tutorial are advanced chapters such as interfaces, nested components and services within Angular. Topics such as routing, modules, and arrays are also dealt with in this tutorial.


本教程适用于有兴趣学习新版 Angular 框架的人。该框架的首个版本已经存在了相当长的时间,直到最近,Java NIO 才在 Web 开发社区中流行起来。

This tutorial is for those who are interested in learning the new version of the Angular framework. The first version of the framework has been there for quite some time and it is only off-late that Java NIO has become popular with the web development community.


用户应熟悉 Web 开发和 JavaScript 的基础知识。由于 Angular 框架建立在 JavaScript 框架上,因此,如果用户了解 JavaScript,则更容易理解 Angular。

The user should be familiar with the basics of web development and JavaScript. Since the Angular framework is built on the JavaScript framework, it becomes easier for the user to understand Angular if they know JavaScript.