Javascript 简明教程

JavaScript - Browser Object Model

在 JavaScript 中的浏览器对象模型 (BOM) 指的是由浏览器提供的用于与其交互的对象。通过使用这些对象,你可以操控浏览器的功能。例如,你可以获取浏览器历史记录和窗口大小、导航到不同的 URL 等等。

The Browser Object Model (BOM) in JavaScript refers to the objects provided by the browsers to interact with them. By using these objects, you can manipulate the browser’s functionality. For example, you can get the browser history and window size, navigate to different URLs, etc.


The Browser object model is not standardized. It depends on which browser you are using.

在这里,我们列出了浏览器对象模型的所有对象及其描述 -

Here, we have listed all objects of the Browser Object Model with descriptions −

  1. Window − The 'window' object represents the current browser window. You can use it to manipulate the browser window.

  2. Document − The 'document' object represents the currently opened web page in the browser window. You can use it to customize the property of the document.

  3. Screen − It provides information about the user’s device’s screen.

  4. History − It provides the browser’s session history.

  5. Navigator − It is used to get the browser’s information like default language, etc.

  6. Location − The Location object is used to get the URL information, such as the hostname of the current web page.

  7. Console − The console object allows developers to access the browser’s console.

JavaScript Window Object

JavaScript window 对象表示浏览器的窗口。我们可以使用 window 对象的不同方法和属性来操控当前浏览器窗口。例如,显示警报、打开新窗口、关闭当前窗口等等。

The JavaScript window object represents the browser’s window. We can use different methods and properties of the window object to manipulate current browser window. For example, showing an alert, opening a new window, closing the current window, etc.

所有 JavaScript 全局变量都是 window 对象的属性。所有全局函数都是 window 对象的方法。

All the JavaScript global variables are properties of window object. All global functions are methods of the window object.

上面列出的其他对象,比如 document、screen、history 等,都是 window 对象的属性。我们可以将这些对象访问为 window 对象的属性。我们也可以使用 window 对象的引用来访问它们。查看下面的示例片段,了解如何访问 document 对象 -

The other objects listed above such as document, screen, history etc., are the properties of the window object. We can access these objects as properties of the window object. We can also access them with referencing the window object. Look at the below example snippet to access the document object –

window.document.write("Welcome to Tutorials Point");

或不使用 window 对象 -

or without window object −

document.write("Welcome to Tutorials Point");

window 对象的 innerHeight 和 innerWidth 属性用于访问浏览器窗口的高度和宽度。我们将在下一章详细讲解 JavaScript window 对象。

The innerHeight and innerWidth properties of the window object are used to access the height and width of the browser window. We will learn JavaScript window object in detail in next chapters.

JavaScript Document Object

document object 是 JavaScript window 对象的一个属性。整个 HTML 文档被表示为一个 document 对象。Document 对象形成了 HTML DOM。它是 HTML 文档的根节点。

The document object is a property of the JavaScript window object. The whole HTML document is represented as a document object. The document object forms HTML DOM. It is root node of the HTML document.

document 对象可以用作 window.document 或仅为 document。

The document object can be accessed as window.document or just document.

Document 对象为我们提供了许多属性和方法,用于访问 HTML 元素并对其进行操作。其中一个方法为 document.getElementById(),用于使用其 id 访问 HTML 元素。

The document object provides us with many properties and methods to access the HTML elements and manipulate them. One such method is document.getElementById() to access the HTML element using its id.

我们可以用 getElementById() 方法访问具有 id 为“text”的元素,并对其进行操作 -

We can access an element with id as "text" using getElementById() method and manipulate it –


   <div id ="text">This text will be changed. </div>
      // Access the element with id as text
      const textDiv = document.getElementById("text");
      // Change the content of this element
      textDiv.innerHTML = "The text of this DIV is changed.";
The text of this DIV is changed.

JavaScript Screen Object

在 JavaScript 中, screen 对象是 window 对象的一个属性。它为我们提供了可用于获取有关设备窗口屏幕的信息的属性。我们可以将 screen 对象访问为 window.screen 或仅为 screen。

In JavaScript, the screen object is a property of window object. It provides us with properties that can be used to get the information about the device window screen. We can access the screen object as window.screen or just screen.

要以像素为单位获取设备屏幕的宽度和高度,我们可以使用 screen.width 和 screen.height 属性 -

To get the width and height of the device screen in pixels we can use the screen.width and screen.height properties –


<div id ="width">Width of the device screen is </div>
<div id ="height">Height of the device screen is </div>
   document.getElementById("width").innerHTML += screen.width + " px.";
   document.getElementById("height").innerHTML += screen.height + " px.";
<p> The above result may be different for different device.</p>
Width of the device screen is 1536 px.
Height of the device screen is 864 px.
The above result may be different for different device.

JavaScript History Object

在 JavaScript 中, history 对象也是 window 对象的一个属性。它包含当前会话中访问过的 URL 列表。History 对象提供了一个用于操作浏览器会话历史记录的接口。

In JavaScript, the history object is also a property of the window object. It contains a list of the visited URLs in the current session. The history object provides an interface to manipulate the browser’s session history.

可以使用 window.history 或仅为 history 访问 JavaScript history 对象。我们可以使用 history 对象的方法在历史记录列表中导航 URL。例如,要进入历史记录列表中的前一页/URL,我们可以使用 history.back() 方法。

The JavaScript history object can be accessed using window.history or just history. We can use the methods of history object to navigate the URLs in the history list. For example to go the previous page/URL in the history list, we can use history.back() method.

JavaScript Navigator Object

JavaScript navigator 对象也是 window 对象的一个属性。使用“navigator”对象,您可以获取浏览器版本和名称,并检查浏览器中是否启用了 cookie。我们可以使用 window.navigator 访问 navigator 对象。我们也可以在不使用 window 前缀的情况下访问它。

The JavaScript navigator object is also a property of the window object. Using the 'navigator' object, you can get the browser version and name and check whether the cookie is enabled in the browser. We can access the navigator object using window.navigator. We can also access it without using the window prefix.

JavaScript Location Object

JavaScript ' location ' 对象包含各种属性和方法,用于获取和操作浏览器的位置信息,即 URL。它也是 JavaScript window 对象的一个属性。

The JavaScript 'location' object contains various properties and methods to get and manipulate the information of the browser’s location, i.e. URL. It’s also a property of JavaScript window object.

我们可以使用 location 对象的属性和方法来操作 URL 信息。例如,要从当前 URL 中获取主机,我们可以使用 或仅为。主机是 location 对象的属性。

We can use the properties and methods of the location object to manipulate the URL information. For example, to get the host from the current URL, we can use the or just The host is property of the location object.


   <div id = "output"> </div>
      document.getElementById("output").innerHTML =
	  "The host of the current location is: " +;
The host of the current location is:

JavaScript Console Object

JavaScript console 对象允许我们访问浏览器的调试控制台。它是 JavaScript window 对象的一个属性。可以使用 window.console 或仅为 console 访问它。

The JavaScript console object allows us to access the debugging console of the browser. It is a property of the JavaScript window object. It can be accessed using window.console or just console.

Console 对象为我们提供了不同的方法,例如 console.log()。console.log() 方法用于在调试控制台中显示消息。

The console object provides us with different methods such as console.log(). The console.log() method is used to display the message in debugging console.

What’s Next?


We have provided detailed information about each of the above objects in separate chapters.