Javatuples 简明教程

JavaTuples Tutorial

JavaTuples 是一个为元组操作提供了一组类库的 Java 库,其中元组是一些可能是或可能不是不同类型的对象序列。

JavaTuples is a java library which provides the set of classes to work with tuples where tuple is a sequence of objects which may or may not be of different types.


本教程专为初学者编写,旨在帮助他们理解 JavaTuples 库的基本功能,以便在基于 Java 的程序中使用元组。

This tutorial has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand the basic functionality of JavaTuples library to use Tuples in Java based programs.


对于本教程,我们假设读者事先熟悉 Java 或任何其他编程语言的基本软件开发。了解软件构建和部署流程将有所帮助。

For this tutorial, we assume the readers to have prior knowledge of basic software development using Java or any other programming language. It will help if you had some exposure to the software build and deployment process.