Jdb 简明教程

JDB Tutorial

Java 调试器(通常称为 jdb)是一种用于检测 Java 程序中的错误的有用工具。这是一个简要教程,提供了如何实际使用此工具的基本概述。此外,该教程还介绍了如何通过单步调试、断点和管理异常来调试程序。

The Java Debugger, commonly known as jdb, is a useful tool to detect bugs in Java programs. This is a brief tutorial that provides a basic overview of how to use this tool in practice. In addition, the tutorial also covers how to debug a program through stepping, breakpoints, and managing exceptions.


本教程对于学习 Java 的初学者以及有志于使用 Java 从事测试和分析工作的程序员和专业人士非常有用。

This tutorial will be quite useful for beginners learning Java as well as programmers and professionals aspiring to make a career in Testing and Analytics using Java.


在开始学习本教程之前,您需要了解基本的 Java 编程。

Before you start with this tutorial, you need to know basic Java programming.