Jira 简明教程

JIRA - Burndown Chart

显示在给定时间范围内完成冲刺目标的总剩余工作量。它帮助团队管理进度并做出相应响应。此图表是敏捷 - Scrum 方法论的一个重要特性。

It displays the total work remaining to achieve the sprint goal for a given time to sprint. It helps the team to manage the progress and respond accordingly. This chart is an important feature of Agile – Scrum methodology.

Generate a Report


To generate a report, the user should follow the steps given below.

Step 1 − 转至项目 → 选择特定项目。单击菜单左侧的报告图标。转至敏捷并单击燃尽图。以下屏幕截图显示如何访问燃尽图。

Step 1 − Go to Project → choose a Specific project. Click on the Report icon on the left side of the menu. Go to Agile and click on Burndown chart. The following screenshot shows how to access a Burndown Chart.

burndown chart

Step 2 − 它显示冲刺的燃尽图,例如团队如何向承诺的任务推进。红线显示剩余的工作量,而灰线显示已承诺的任务。与冲刺开始时的承诺相比,团队可以看到他们在冲刺进度方面的状况。用户可以通过从下拉列表中进行选择来更改冲刺和 Y 轴。

Step 2 − It displays the Burndown chart of the sprint like how the team is progressing towards a committed task. The red line displays how much work is remaining, while the grey line shows the committed tasks. The team can see where they stand in terms of the progress of sprint as compared to the commitment at the starting of that sprint. The user can change the Sprint and Y-axis by selection from a dropdown.


The following screenshot shows how the Burndown chart looks like sprint wise.

sprint wise

Step 3 − 在报告的第二部分,它显示数据,如冲刺的开始日期,添加的所有问题,逐日解决了多少问题,问题的故事点是什么,以及逐日剩余多少故事点。此数据用于创建图表。以下屏幕截图显示用于生成图表的数据。

Step 3 − In the second part of the report, it displays data like what is the sprint start date, what all issues were added, day by day how many issues resolved, what story points of the issues are, and day-by-day how many story points are remaining. This data is utilized to create the chart. The following screenshot shows the data that is used to generate the chart.

generate chart

Note − 与这些报告非常类似,还可以生成其他报告。

Note − Quite similar to these reports, other reports can also be generated.