Jira 简明教程

JIRA - Create Issue using CSV

用户可以使用称为 CSV 的逗号分隔文件一次创建多个问题。CSV 文件是表示制表符分隔数据的文本文件,并通过逗号分隔不同的节。

A User can create multiple issues at a time using Comma separated file known as CSV. The CSV files are text files those represent tabulated data and separate different sections by commas.

他们有两个步骤,需要从 CSV 中导入数据,而还存在第三方可选步骤,如下所列。

They have two-step process that requires importing the data from a CSV, while a third optional step is also present, which are listed below.

  1. Prepare a CSV file.

  2. Import the CSV file into the system.

  3. Save the configuration for future use.

Prepare the CSV File

创建 CSV 文件时必须考虑以下几点。

While creating a CSV file the following points must be considered.

每个 CSV 文件都应该有一行标题,其中包含摘要列。第一行是标题行并表示创建问题页面的字段。 Example − 摘要,被指派人,报告人,优先级,描述,sprint,“测试套件”,Ashish,Ashish,1,等。

Each CSV file should have a heading row with a summary column. The first row is the heading row and represents the fields of the create issue page. Example − Summary, Assignee, Reporter, Priority, Description, sprint, “Test Suite”, Ashish, Ashish, 1, etc.

  1. Use double quote marks (“) in the CSV file to capture data that appears in multip.le lines. For Example − upon import, JIRA will treat the following CSV as a single record: Summary, Description, Status, "Login issue", "This is on a new line", Open

  2. While importing issues from a CSV file, the Project Name and Project Key are important columns in CSV. In addition, the name of these fields should match exactly as they are present in JIRA.

Import the CSV File

要导入 CSV 文件,我们应该按照以下步骤操作。

To import the CSV file, we should follow the steps given below.

Step 1 − 选择问题 → 从 CSV 导入问题,以打开批量创建设置页面。

Step 1 − Select Issues → Import Issues from CSV to open the Bulk Create Setup page.

以下屏幕截图显示了如何访问从 CSV 导入问题的功能。

The following screenshot shows how to access the Import issues from the CSV functionality.

csv functionality

Step 2 − 在“设置”页面上,选择 CSV 源文件。如果您没有配置文件,或者您想要创建新的配置文件,那么不要选中“使用现有配置文件”复选框。

Step 2 − On the Setup page, select CSV Source File. Do not check the “Use an existing configuration file” check box, if you do not have a configuration file or if you want to create a new configuration file.

配置文件规定了 CSV 文件标题行中的列名称和 JIRA 应用程序中的字段之间的映射。

Configuration files specify a mapping between column names in the CSV file’s header row and fields in the JIRA application.

以下屏幕截图显示了批量创建设置页面,用户在其中浏览并上传 CSV 文件。

The following screenshot shows the Bulk create setup page, where the user browses and uploads the CSV file.

csv source file

Step 3 - 如果用户选中“使用现有配置文件”复选框,JIRA 会要求指定现有配置文件。

Step 3 − If the user checks the checkbox of “Use an existing configuration file”, JIRA will ask to specify an Existing Configuration File.


The following screenshot shows how to use an existing configuration file.

bulk create setup

Step 4 - 如果用户未选择此选项,则在 CSV 文件导入向导结束时,JIRA 会要求创建配置文件,此配置文件可用于随后的 CSV 导入。

Step 4 − If the user does not select this option, then at the end of the CSV file import wizard, JIRA will ask to create a configuration file, which can be used for subsequent CSV imports.

单击“下一步”按钮 → CSV 文件导入向导的“设置”步骤将显示。填写必填栏位。如果 CSV 文件使用除逗号外的不同分隔符,请在 CSV 分隔符字段中指定该字符。如果分隔符为“制表符”,可以使用“/t”格式输入。

Click on the Next button → the Settings step of the CSV file import wizard will display. Complete the required fields. If the CSV file uses a different separator character other than a comma, specify that character in the CSV Delimiter field. If the separator is a 'Tab', this can be entered using the format '/t'.

以下屏幕截图显示了如何提供 csv 文件的设置 -

The following screenshot shows how to provide settings of csv file −

settings of csv file

Step 5 - 单击“下一步”按钮继续执行 CSV 文件导入向导的映射字段步骤。在此步骤中,用户必须将 CSV 文件的列标题映射到所选 JIRA 项目中的字段。选择后,勾选映射字段值复选框。

Step 5 − Click on the Next button to proceed to the Map field’s step of the CSV file import wizard. Here, the user has to map the column headers of the CSV file to the fields in the selected JIRA project. After selection, tick the check box for Map field value.

CSV 字段应映射到 JIRA 摘要字段。这可确保创建的问题有摘要。

A CSV field should map to the JIRA summary field. This ensures the issues created have a summary.

以下屏幕截图显示了如何将 CSV 字段映射到 JIRA 字段 -

The following screenshot shows how to map CSV fields with JIRA fields −

map field value

Step 6 - 单击“下一步”按钮,CSV 文件导入向导的映射值步骤将显示。在此导入向导步骤中,用户可以选择将哪些特定 CSV 字段值映射到哪些特定 JIRA 字段值。

Step 6 − Click on the Next button, the Map values step of the CSV file import wizard will display. On this step of the import wizard, the user can select which specific CSV field values to map to which specific JIRA field value.

  1. Fields whose Map Field Value check boxes were selected in the previous step will be presented on this page.

  2. If the CSV field has a username (e.g. Reporter or Assignee) and does not select the Map Field Value check box for this field in the previous step of the CSV file import wizard, then the importer will map imported usernames from the CSV file to (lowercase) JIRA usernames.


The following screenshot shows how to map values.

how to map values

Step 7 - 单击“验证”按钮,它将验证已导入的数据并在需要时显示任何错误或警告,否则将显示使用该文件可能成功导入多少数据。

Step 7 − Click on the Validate button, it will validate the imported data and display if any errors or warnings are required, otherwise it will display how many successful imports are possible with the file.

以下屏幕截图显示了 CSV 文件的成功验证。

The following screenshot shows the successful validation of CSV file.


Step 8 - 现在,单击“开始导入”按钮。导入器将显示更新,例如导入正在进行中,然后在导入完成后显示一条成功消息。

Step 8 − Now, Click the Begin Import button. The importer will display updates like import is in progress, then a success message when the import is completed.

以下屏幕截图显示了使用 CSV 文件创建了多少问题 -

Following screenshot shows how many issues are created using CSV file −

issues created using csv file

Step 9 - 单击“检查已创建的问题”,它将显示使用 CSV 创建的问题列表。

Step 9 − Click on the Check Created issues, it will display the list of issues those are created using the CSV.

以下屏幕截图显示了使用 CSV 文件创建的新问题列表。

The following screenshot shows the list of newly created issues using the CSV file.

newly created issues using csv files