Jira 简明教程

JIRA - Created vs Resolved Issues


It displays the number of created issues versus resolved issues over a given time-period. It helps to understand whether the overall backlog is moving towards resolution or not.

Generate a Report


To generate a report, the user should follow the steps given below.

Step 1 - 进入“项目”→“选择特定的项目”。点击菜单左侧的“报表”图标。进入“问题分析”并点击“已创建的问题与已解决的问题报表”。以下屏幕截图显示了如何访问“已创建的问题与已解决的问题”报表 -

Step 1 − Go to Project → choose a specific project. Click on the Report icon on the left side of the menu. Go to Issue Analysis and click on Created Vs Resolved Issues Report. The following screenshot shows how to access the Created Vs Resolved issues report −

created vs resolve issue report

Step 2 - 选择需要生成报表的项目或问题筛选器。选择时间段以查看每日、每周、每月、每季度、每年等可用于下拉列表中的报表。输入 Days Previously 字段中的天数以在图表中显示。选择 YesNo 进行累计总计。从下拉列表中选择显示版本为“所有版本”。

Step 2 − Select the Project or the issue filter for which the report has to be generated. Select the time-period to see reports like Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annually, etc., available in the dropdown box. Enter the number of days in the Days Previously field to show in the graph. Select Yes or No for Cumulative totals. Select Display Versions as All Versions from the dropdown list.


The following screenshot shows how to generate report by selecting different available fields.

different available feilds

Step 3 - 点击“下一步”生成报表。以下屏幕截图显示了生成的报表是什么样子的。

Step 3 − Click on Next to generate the reports. The following screenshot shows how the generated report looks like.

data table


The created issues are displayed in red, while the resolved issues are in green color.