Jogl 简明教程

JOGL Tutorial

J*ava binding for *O*pen*GL (JOGL) 是用于在 Java 中绑定 OpenGL 图形的开源库。本教程提供了对 JOGL 库及其功能的基本理解。它还解释了如何使用 JOGL 开发二维和三维图形应用程序。

J*ava binding for *O*pen*GL (JOGL) is an open source library for binding OpenGL graphics in Java. This tutorial provides a basic understanding of JOGL library and its features. It also explains how to develop 2D and 3D graphics applications using JOGL.


本教程面向 Web 开发领域的狂热学生和专业人员,他们希望学习如何在 Java 应用程序中集成 OpenGL 绑定。

This tutorial is designed for all enthusiastic students and professionals in the domain of web development who want to learn how to integrate OpenGL bindings in their Java applications.


您需要有 Java 编程基础,并且了解 AWT 和 Swing 等概念。此外,您还需要了解 OpenGL 图形。

You need to have a basic understanding of Java programming with exposure to concepts such as AWT and Swings. In addition, it is required that you have an awareness of OpenGL graphics.