Jquery 简明教程

jQuery - Events Reference

jQuery Events 是 DOM(文档对象模型)中发生的事件,可以对其进行检测并用来触发 JavaScript 函数。

The jQuery Events are actions that happens in the DOM (Document Object Model), which can be detected and used to trigger JavaScript functions.

jQuery 通过提供将事件处理程序附加到元素和触发事件的方法,简化了事件处理。点击按钮、悬停在某个元素上、提交表单或调整窗口大小是 jQuery 中的常见事件示例。

jQuery simplifies event handling by providing methods to attach event handlers to elements and to trigger events. Clicking a button, hovering over an element, submitting a form, or resizing a window are common examples of events in jQuery.

jQuery Events Methods

在以下表格中,我们列出了用于处理事件的所有 jQuery 方法 −

In the following table, we have listed all the jQuery Methods used to handle events −

Event Attributes

以下事件属性/特性可以以与平台无关的方式访问且是安全的 −

The following event properties/attributes are available and safe to access in a platform independent manner −