Jupyter 简明教程
Jupyter Notebook - Dashboard
Jupyter Notebook 的仪表板包含三个选项卡,如下面的屏幕截图所示:
The dashboard of Jupyter Notebook contains three tabs as shown in the screenshot given below −

Files Tab
“文件”选项卡显示笔记本应用从其调用的当前目录下的文件和文件夹。当前打开的笔记本对应的行和正在运行的状态显示在最后一列修改的旁边。它还显示了 Upload 按钮,可以使用该按钮将文件上载到笔记本服务器。
The "Files" tab displays files and folders under current directory from which notebook app was invoked. The row corresponding to a notebook which is currently open and the running status is shown just beside the last modified column. It also displays Upload button using which a file can be uploaded to notebook server.
Running Tab
The "Running" tab shows which of the notebooks are currently running.
Cluster Tab
第三个选项卡“群集”由 IPython parallel 提供。IPython 的并行计算框架,是 IPython 内核的扩展版本。
The third tab, "Clusters", is provided by IPython parallel. IPython’s parallel computing framework, an extended version of the IPython kernel.
从 New 下拉菜单中选择 Terminal 打开 cmd 窗口。你现在可以在此处启动 IPython 终端。
From the New dropdown choose Terminal to open a cmd window. You can now start an IPython terminal here.