Jupyter 简明教程
Installation and Getting Started
你还可以使用 pip 包管理器轻松安装 Jupyter notebook 应用程序。
You can easily install Jupyter notebook application using pip package manager.
pip3 install jupyter
To start the application, use the following command in the command prompt window.
c:\python36>jupyter notebook
服务器应用程序开始在默认端口号 8888 上运行,浏览器窗口打开以显示笔记本仪表板。
The server application starts running at default port number 8888 and browser window opens to show notebook dashboard.

请注意,仪表板在新按钮旁的浏览器右边界附近显示了一个下拉菜单,旁边带有箭头。它包含当前可用的 notebook 内核。现在,选择 Python 3,然后在一个新选项卡中打开一个新的 notebook。与 IPython 控制台中类似的输入单元格显示。
Observe that the dashboard shows a dropdown near the right border of browser with an arrow beside the New button. It contains the currently available notebook kernels. Now, choose Python 3, then a new notebook opens in a new tab. An input cell as similar to that of in IPython console is displayed.
你可以在其中执行任何 Python 表达式。结果将显示在 Out 单元格中。
You can execute any Python expression in it. The result will be displayed in the Out cell.