Jupyter 简明教程

Jupyter Notebook - Introduction

IPython Notebook 由 Fernando Perez 开发,作为 IPython 内核的基于 Web 的前端。为了构建面向多种语言的集成交互式计算环境,Notebook 项目被移至 Project Jupyter 下,除了 Python 之外,还针对 Juila 和 R 编程环境提供前端。

IPython notebook was developed by Fernando Perez as a web based front end to IPython kernel. As an effort to make an integrated interactive computing environment for multiple language, Notebook project was shifted under Project Jupyter providing front end for programming environments Juila and R in addition to Python.

Notebook 文档包含带有 HTML 格式化文本、图形、数学方程式等内容的富文本元素。该 Notebook 还是一份可执行文件,其中包含 Python 或其他支持语言的代码块。

A notebook document consists of rich text elements with HTML formatted text, figures, mathematical equations etc. The notebook is also an executable document consisting of code blocks in Python or other supporting languages.

Jupyter Notebook 是一种客户端-服务器应用程序。该应用程序在本地计算机上启动服务器,并在 Web 浏览器中打开 Notebook 界面,用户可以在其中对其进行编辑并从中运行。该 Notebook 被保存为 ipynb 文件,并可以导出为 html、pdf 和 LaTex 文件。

Jupyter notebook is a client-server application. The application starts the server on local machine and opens the notebook interface in web browser where it can be edited and run from. The notebook is saved as ipynb file and can be exported as html, pdf and LaTex files.