Jupyter 简明教程
Jupyter Notebook - Plotting
Jupyter 笔记本的 IPython 内核可以显示输入单元格中的代码绘图。它可以与 matplotlib 库无缝协作。 %matplotlib 魔术函数的 inline 选项可以在即使未调用绘图对象 show() 函数的情况下渲染绘图单元格。 show() 函数导致图形在不带数字的 [] 中单元格的下方显示。
IPython kernel of Jupyter notebook is able to display plots of code in input cells. It works seamlessly with matplotlib library. The inline option with the %matplotlib magic function renders the plot out cell even if show() function of plot object is not called. The show() function causes the figure to be displayed below in[] cell without out[] with number.

现在,在末尾加上 plt.show() 再运行一次单元格来查看差别。
Now, add plt.show() at the end and run the cell again to see the difference.
注意 %matplotlib notebook 魔术渲染交互式绘图。
Note that the %matplotlib notebook magic renders interactive plot.
Just below the figure, you can find a tool bar to switch views, pan, zoom and download options.

Importantly, if you modify the data underneath the plot, the display changes dynamically without drawing another plot.
在上面的示例中,修改单元格中 x 和 y 的数据集,再次绘制图形,上面的图形将得到动态刷新。
In the above example, change the data sets of x and y in the cell below and plot the figure again, the figure above will get dynamically refreshed.