Jupyter 简明教程

Working with Jupyter Online

如果你对 Jupyter 不熟悉,可以在本地计算机上安装之前尝试 Jupyter notebook 的功能。为此,访问浏览器中的 ` https://jupyter.org `,然后选择 ` ‘Try Jupyter with Python’ ` 选项。

If you are new to Jupyter, you can try features of Jupyter notebook before installing on your local machine. For this purpose, visit https://jupyter.org in your browser and choose ‘Try Jupyter with Python’ option.

try jupyter with python

这将在浏览器中打开 ` https://mybinder.org ` 的主页。从 File 菜单中选择新建笔记本选项,在浏览器中打开一个空白的 Jupyter。与 IPython 终端类似的输入单元格将显示。你可以在其中执行任何 Python 表达式。

This will open home page of https://mybinder.org From the File menu, choose new notebook option to open a blank Jupyter in your browser. The input cell, as similar to that in IPython terminal, will be displayed. You can execute any Python expression in it.

jupyter new notebook