Jupyter 简明教程
JupyterLab - Installing R Kernel
Project Jupyter 现在支持编程环境内核。现在我们将了解如何安装 Anaconda 发行版中的 R 内核。
Project Jupyter now supports kernels of programming environments. We shall now see how to install R kernel in anaconda distribution.
在 Anaconda 提示符窗口中输入以下命令 −
In Anaconda prompt window enter following command −
conda install -c r r-essentials
现在,从启动程序选项卡中,选择 R 内核以启动新的笔记本。
Now, from the launcher tab, choose R kernel to start a new notebook.

以下是具有 R 内核的 Jupyter 笔记本的屏幕截图 −
The following is a screenshot of Jupyter notebook having R kernel −