Jupyter 简明教程
JupyterLab - Interface
若要启动一个新的笔记本,请单击所需的内核。在以上屏幕截图中,可以看到一个内核,即 Python3 内核。单击它以启动一个 Python 笔记本。请注意,它的功能类似于我们本教程中所研究的功能。
To start a new notebook, click the desired kernel. In above screenshot, one kernel is seen that is Python3 kernel. Click it to start a Python notebook. Observe that its functionality is similar to the one we have studied in this tutorial.

Menu Bar
The menu bar is at the top of window. The default menus you can find in this are −
File − Actions related to files and directories.
Edit − Actions related to editing documents and other activities.
View − Actions that alter the appearance of JupyterLab.
Run − Actions for running code in different activities such as notebooks and code consoles.
Kernel − Actions for managing kernels, which are separate processes for running code.
Tabs − A list of the open documents and activities in the dock panel.
Settings − Common settings and an advanced settings editor.
Help − A list of JupyterLab and kernel help links.
The left sidebar shows buttons for starting a new launcher, adding a folder, uploading file and refresh file list. The right pane is the main working area where notebook, console and terminals are shown in tabbed view.
若要启动新控制台,请单击左侧边栏中的 + 符号以打开新启动器,然后单击控制台选项。控制台将在右侧窗格的新标签中打开。
To start a new console, click + symbol in the left side bar to open a new launcher and then click the console option. The console will open in new tab on the right pane.

Note that the input cell is at the bottom, but when it is run, the cell and its corresponding output cell appears in upper part of console tab.
启动器还允许您打开一个文本编辑器和一个可以调用 IPython shell 的终端。
The launcher also allows you open a text editor and a terminal in which IPython shell can be invoked.