Jupyter 简明教程
JupyterLab - Overview
Project Jupyter 将 JupyterLab 描述为 Jupyter 生态系统下所有产品的下一代基于 Web 的用户界面。它使你能够以一种可扩展的方式与笔记本、编辑器和终端无缝工作。
Project Jupyter describes JupyterLab as a next generation web based user interfaces for all products under the Jupyter ecosystem. It enables you to work seamlessly with notebook, editors and terminals in an extensible manner.
下面讨论了 JupyterLab 的一些重要功能:
Some of the important features of JupyterLab are discussed below −
Code Console acts as scratchpad for running code interactively. It has full support for rich output and can be linked to a notebook kernel to log notebook activity.
Any text file (Markdown, Python, R, LaTeX, etc.) can be run interactively in any Jupyter kernel.
Notebook cell output can be shown into its own tab, or along with the notebook, enabling simple dashboards with interactive controls backed by a kernel.
Live editing of document reflects in other viewers such as editors or consoles. It is possible to have live preview of Markdown, Delimiter-separated Values, or Vega/Vega-Lite documents.
JupyterLab 可以处理许多文件格式(图像、CSV、JSON、Markdown、PDF 等)。它还以这些格式显示丰富型输出。JupyterLab 提供可自定义的键盘快捷方式,它使用许多知名文本编辑器的键映射。
JupyterLab can handle many file formats (images, CSV, JSON, Markdown, PDF etc.). It also displays rich output in these formats. JupyterLab provides customizable keyboard shortcuts uses key maps from many well-known text editors.