Kibana 简明教程

Kibana - Monitoring

Kibana 监控提供了有关 ELK 堆栈性能的详细信息。我们可以获取所用内存、响应时间等的详细信息。

Kibana Monitoring gives the details about the performance of ELK stack. We can get the details of memory used, response time etc.

Monitoring Details

要获取 Kibana 中的监控详细信息,请单击如下所示的监控选项卡 −

To get monitoring details in Kibana, click on the monitoring tab as shown below −

kibana monitoring

由于我们是首次使用监控,因此需要保持其处于打开状态。为此,请单击如上所示的 Turn on monitoring 按钮。以下是针对 Elasticsearch 显示的详细信息 −

Since we are using the monitoring for the first time, we need to keep it ON. For this, click the button Turn on monitoring as shown above. Here are the details displayed for Elasticsearch −

turn on monitoring

它提供了 elasticsearch 的版本、可用的磁盘空间、添加到 elasticsearch 的索引、磁盘使用情况等。

It gives the version of elasticsearch, disk available, indices added to elasticsearch, disk usage etc.

此处显示了 Kibana 的监控详细信息 −

The monitoring details for Kibana are shown here −

monitoring details


It gives the Requests and max response time for the request and also the instances running and memory usage.