Knime 简明教程

KNIME - Testing the Model

要测试模型,请执行以下菜单选项: NodeExecute All

To test the model, execute the following menu options: NodeExecute All

如果一切都正确,每个节点底部的状态信号将变为绿色。如果没有,你需要查找 Console 视图中的错误,修复它们并重新运行工作流。

If everything goes correct, the status signal at the bottom of each node would turn green. If not, you will need to look up the Console view for the errors, fix them up and re-run the workflow.

现在,你可以准备可视化模型的预测输出。为此,右键单击 Scatter Plot 节点并选择以下菜单选项: Interactive View: Scatter Plot

Now, you are ready to visualize the predicted output of the model. For this, right click the Scatter Plot node and select the following menu options: Interactive View: Scatter Plot

这在下面的屏幕截图中显示 -

This is shown in the screenshot below −

interactive view

你将在屏幕上看到如下图所示的散点图 -

You would see the scatter plot on the screen as shown here −

scatter plot screen

你可以通过改变 x 轴和 y 轴来运行不同的可视化。若要执行此操作,请单击散点图右上角的设置菜单。将出现一个弹出菜单,如下面的屏幕截图所示 -

You can run through different visualizations by changing x- and y- axis. To do so, click on the settings menu at the top right corner of the scatter plot. A popup menu would appear as shown in the screenshot below −

visualizations changing


You can set the various parameters for the plot on this screen to visualize the data from several aspects.


This completes our task of model building.