Logistic Regression In Python 简明教程

Logistic Regression in Python Tutorial

逻辑回归是一种用于对对象进行分类的统计方法。在本教程中,我们将重点使用逻辑回归技术解决二元分类问题。本教程还提供了一个案例研究,让您了解如何在 Python 中编写代码并应用逻辑回归。

Logistic Regression is a statistical method of classification of objects. In this tutorial, we will focus on solving binary classification problem using logistic regression technique. This tutorial also presents a case study that will let you learn how to code and apply Logistic Regression in Python.


本教程专为学生和专业人士准备,旨在教授他们如何使用 Python 进行逻辑回归的知识。

This tutorial has been prepared for students as well as professionals to gain a knowledge on performing Logistic Regression in Python.


编写本教程时假设学习者熟悉 Python 及其库,如 Pandas、Numpy 和 Matplotlib。如果您不熟悉 Python 或这些库,我们建议您在开始逻辑回归之旅之前选择一个基于它们编写的教程。

This tutorial is written with an assumption that the learner is familiar with Python and its libraries, such as Pandas, Numpy, and Matplotlib. If you are new to Python or these libraries, we suggest you pick a tutorial based on them before you start your journey with Logistic Regression.