Machine Learning 简明教程
Machine Learning - OPTICS Clustering
OPTICS 类似于 DBSCAN(基于密度的噪声应用空间聚类),另一种流行的基于密度的聚类算法。然而,OPTICS 相较于 DBSCAN 具备以下优点,包括识别密度各异的集群、处理噪声以及生成分层聚类结构的能力。
OPTICS is like DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise), another popular density-based clustering algorithm. However, OPTICS has several advantages over DBSCAN, including the ability to identify clusters of varying densities, the ability to handle noise, and the ability to produce a hierarchical clustering structure.
Implementation of OPTICS in Python
为了在 Python 中实现 OPTICS 聚类,我们可以使用 scikit-learn 库。scikit-learn 库提供了一个名为 OPTICS 的类,它实现了 OPTICS 算法。
To implement OPTICS clustering in Python, we can use the scikit-learn library. The scikit-learn library provides a class called OPTICS that implements the OPTICS algorithm.
以下是如何在 scikit-learn 中使用 OPTICS 类对数据集进行聚类的示例 −
Here’s an example of how to use the OPTICS class in scikit-learn to cluster a dataset −
from sklearn.cluster import OPTICS
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Generate sample data
X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=2000, centers=4, cluster_std=0.60, random_state=0)
# Cluster the data using OPTICS
optics = OPTICS(min_samples=50, xi=.05)
# Plot the results
labels = optics.labels_
plt.figure(figsize=(7.5, 3.5))
plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=labels, cmap='turbo')
在这个示例中,我们首先使用 scikit-learn 的 make_blobs 函数生成一个样本数据集。然后,我们实例化一个 OPTICS 对象,其中 min_samples 参数设置为 50,xi 参数设置为 0.05。 min_samples 参数指定形成集群所需的最小样本数,而 xi 参数控制集群层次的陡峭程度。然后,我们使用 fit 方法拟合 datasets 中的 OPTICS 对象。最后,我们使用散点图绘制结果,每个数据点都按照其集群标签进行着色。
In this example, we first generate a sample dataset using the make_blobs function from scikit-learn. We then instantiate an OPTICS object with the min_samples parameter set to 50 and the xi parameter set to 0.05. The min_samples parameter specifies the minimum number of samples required for a cluster to be formed, and the xi parameter controls the steepness of the cluster hierarchy. We then fit the OPTICS object to the dataset using the fit method. Finally, we plot the results using a scatter plot, where each data point is colored according to its cluster label.
When you execute this program, it will produce the following plot as the output −

Advantages of OPTICS Clustering
以下是使用 OPTICS 聚类的优点 −
Following are the advantages of using OPTICS clustering −
Ability to handle clusters of varying densities − OPTICS can handle clusters that have varying densities, unlike some other clustering algorithms that require clusters to have uniform densities.
Ability to handle noise − OPTICS can identify noise data points that do not belong to any cluster, which is useful for removing outliers from the dataset.
Hierarchical clustering structure − OPTICS produces a hierarchical clustering structure that can be useful for analyzing the dataset at different levels of granularity.
Disadvantages of OPTICS Clustering
以下是使用 OPTICS 聚类的部分缺点。
Following are some of the disadvantages of using OPTICS clustering.
Sensitivity to parameters − OPTICS requires careful tuning of its parameters, such as the min_samples and xi parameters, which can be challenging.
Computational complexity − OPTICS can be computationally expensive for large datasets, especially when using a high min_samples value.