Mahotas 简明教程

Mahotas - Features

Mahotas 是一个流行的图像处理库。它包含许多图像处理和分析功能。其一些功能如下 −

Mahotas is a popular image processing library. It has numerous functions on image processing and analysis. Some of its functionalities are given below −

Feature Detection

Mahotas 能使用各种功能检测图像中的多个特征,例如斑点检测、Harris 角点检测和 SIFT 特征。这些特征用于理解图像、提取有用的信息和图像中的有趣模式。

Mahotas can detect several features in the image using various functions like blob Detection, Harris corner detection, and SIFT features. These features are used in understanding the image, and extracting useful information and interesting patterns in the image.

Image Filtering

Mahotas 提供了许多滤波功能,例如均值滤波器、中值滤波器、多数滤波器、秩滤波器等。它还包含过滤算法,如高斯滤波器和 sobel 滤波器。这些滤波器应用于图像以减少噪声和按需要处理图像,而不会降低其质量。

Mahotas is provided with many filtering functions such as mean filter, median filter, majority filter, rank filter etc. It also consists of filtering algorithms such as Gaussian and sobel filters. These filters are applied to the image to reduce noise and process the image as desired without losing its quality.

Image Segmentation

Mahotas 可以非常有效地执行图像分割。一些图像分割功能包括 − 图像阈值处理、Watershed 分割、距离变换等。这些算法将图像分割为前景和背景,以识别图像中的对象。

Mahotas can perform image segmentation very effectively. Some of the image segmentation functions includes− image thresholding, Watershed segmentation, distance transform etc. These algorithms divide the image into foreground and background to identify the objects in the image.

Image Measurements

Mahotas 使用各种功能来测量图像的各种属性,包括面积、对象的周长、质心和边界框。这些测量用于查找对象的大小和方向,进一步用于图像分析。

Mahotas uses a variety of functions to measure various properties of the image including area, perimeter of the objects, centroid and bounding box. These measurements are used to find the size and orientation of the objects, further used in image analysis.

Image Input Output

Mahotas 的一个重要特征是,它可以处理各种格式的图像,例如 PNG、JPEG、TIFF、WEBP、BMP 和基于 TIFF 的显微镜格式(LSM 和 STK)。Mahotas 还可以按上述格式写入输出。然而,这些并不是 Mahotas 中的内置格式,但与 Mahotas 集成的其他库可以支持这些格式。

One of the vital mahotas feature is that it can process images in various formats such as PNG, JPEG, TIFF, WEBP, BMP, and TIFF-based microscopy formats (LSM and STK). Mahotas can also write the outputs in the above mentioned formats. However these are not built−in formats in mahotas, but other libraries integrated with mahotas can support these formats.

其他功能,例如凸点计算、Zernike 和 Haralick、TAS 特征、卷积、Sobel 边缘检测、Watershed、形态处理、图像阈值处理、LBP 等在广泛的图像处理应用程序中提供了额外的支持,例如对象识别、医学图像分析和视频处理。

Other functions such as convex points calculations, Zernike & Haralick, TAS features, convolution, Sobel edge detection, Watershed, morphological processing, image thresholding, LBP etc. provides additional support in a wide range of image processing applications such as object recognition, medical image analysis and video processing.

Connected Component Analysis


Connected component analysis is a fundamental operation in image analysis that involves identifying and labeling connected regions in binary images.

Mahotas 提供函数来执行连接分量分析,允许用户从图像中提取单个对象或感兴趣区域。此操作通常用于目标计数、粒子分析和图像分割等应用中。

Mahotas provides functions to perform connected component analysis, allowing users to extract individual objects or regions of interest from the image. This operation is commonly used in applications like object counting, particle analysis, and image segmentation.

Mathematical Morphology

Mahotas 提供一系列数学形态学操作,允许用户分析图像中的形状和结构。这些操作包括骨架化、距离变换和分水岭变换。

Mahotas offers a range of mathematical morphology operations, which allow users to analyze the shapes and structures within images. These operations include skeletonization, distance transform, and watershed transform.


Skeletonization extracts the "skeleton" or centerline of objects in the image, while the distance transform provides information about the distance of each pixel to the nearest object boundary. The watershed transform is used for image segmentation based on the concept of water flow in a topographic map.

Morphological Operations

Mahotas 包含各种形态学操作,例如侵蚀、膨胀、开运算和闭运算。这些操作在图像分割、形状分析和特征提取中至关重要。Mahotas 有效地实现了这些操作,使用户能够快速准确地处理图像。

Mahotas includes a variety of morphological operations such as erosion, dilation, opening, and closing. These operations are fundamental in image segmentation, shape analysis, and feature extraction. Mahotas' efficient implementation of these operations enables users to process images quickly and accurately.

Image Classification

Mahotas 支持图像分类,使用户能够在提取的图像特征上训练机器学习模型。通过将 Mahotas 的特征提取能力与机器学习库(如 scikit−learn)相结合,用户可以执行图像识别、对象分类和场景分类等任务。

Mahotas supports image classification, enabling users to train machine learning models on extracted image features. By combining Mahotas' feature extraction capabilities with machine learning libraries like scikit−learn, users can perform tasks such as image recognition, object classification, and scene categorization.