Makefile 简明教程

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Makefile 是一个在 Unix、Linux 及其变体上运行的程序构建工具。它有助于简化构建程序可执行文件,这些可执行文件可能需要各种模块。为了确定需要如何一起编译或重新编译模块,make 使用用户定义的 makefile。本教程应增进您对 makefile 结构和实用性的了解。

Makefile is a program building tool which runs on Unix, Linux, and their flavors. It aids in simplifying building program executables that may need various modules. To determine how the modules need to be compiled or recompiled together, make takes the help of user-defined makefiles. This tutorial should enhance your knowledge about the structure and utility of makefile.