Mantis 简明教程

Mantis - Installation

Mantis 是一个网络应用程序,为个人或属于同一公司/项目的请求用户组提供私人网站。

Mantis is a web application, provides a private website to individuals or set of requested users belonging to the same company/project.

Mantis 可以在服务器端运行。它是一个基于 PHP 的应用程序,并支持所有操作系统平台,如不同版本的 Windows、Linux、Mac 等。它也以移动视图支持移动浏览器。

Mantis can be run at the server side. It is a PHP-based application and supports all OS platforms such as Windows, Linux of different versions, MAC, etc. It supports mobile browsers as well in mobile views.

System Requirements

由于 Mantis 是一个网络应用程序,因此它遵循客户端/服务器的概念。这意味着 Mantis 可以集中安装在服务器上,用户可以使用任何计算机上的网站通过网络浏览器与之交互。

Since Mantis is a web-application, it follows the concept of client/server. This means, Mantis can be installed centrally on the server and users can interact with it through web-browsers using a website from any computer.

  1. Web Server − Mantis is tested with Microsoft IIS and Apache. However, it can work with any latest web server software. Mantis only uses .php file. Configure the web server with .php extension only.

  2. PHP − The web server should support PHP. It can be installed as CGI or any other integration technology.

  3. Mandatory PHP Extensions − Extensions for RDBMS are mysqli, pgsql, oci8, sqlsrv mbstring is required for Unicode - UTF-8 support.

  4. Optional Extensions − Curl, GD, Fileinfo.

  5. Database − Mantis requires a database to store its data. MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported RDBMS.

  6. Client Requirements − Firefox 45 and above, IE 10 and above, Chrome, Safari, and Opera.

用户可以分别手动或自动安装所有需求以使用 Mantis。

Users can separately install all the requirements either manually or automatically to use Mantis.

Installation of System Requirements

如果用户对安装过程有足够了解,可在安装 Mantis 之前分别逐一安装所有需求。

If a user has adequate knowledge about the installation process, all the requirements can be installed one by one separately before proceeding to Mantis.

或者,还可以采用多种多合一软件包,它们涵盖所有需求,而且可以通过 exe 文件自动安装到系统中。本文将采用 XAMPP 来轻松安装先决条件。

Alternatively, there are many all-in-one packages available, having all the requirements and can be automatically installed in the system by exe file. Here, we will take the help of XAMPP to install pre-requisites easily.

Step 1 - 转至 并点击 Windows 用的 XAMPP,如下图所示。

Step 1 − Go to and click XAMPP for Windows as shown in the following screenshot.


Step 2 − 将显示一个弹出窗口,提示保存该文件。单击“保存文件”。将开始下载该文件。

Step 2 − A pop-up will display to save the file. Click Save File. It will start downloading the file.

opening xampp

Step 3 − 运行 .exe 文件以运行安装向导。单击 .exe 文件后,将显示 XAMPP 设置向导。单击“下一步”。

Step 3 − Run the .exe file to run the installation wizard. After clicking the .exe file, XAMPP Setup wizard displays. Click Next.

以下屏幕截图显示了 XAMPP 设置向导。

The following screenshot shows the XAMPP setup wizard.

xampp setup

Step 4 − 下一个向导将显示所有组件文件,如以下屏幕截图所示。选择组件后单击“下一步”。

Step 4 − The next wizard displays all the component files that will install as shown in the following screenshot. Click Next after making a selection of components.

select components

Step 5 - 提供 XAMPP 将要安装到的文件夹名称,然后点击下一步。

Step 5 − Provide a folder name where XAMPP will be installed and click Next.

installation folder


Ready to Install wizard is displayed.

Step 6 − 单击“下一步”开始安装。

Step 6 − Click Next to start the installation.

ready to install

Step 7 − 成功安装后,将询问是否要启动控制面板。选中该复选框,然后单击“完成”。随即会打开 XAMPP 控制面板,如以下屏幕截图所示。

Step 7 − After successful installation, it will ask to start the control panel. Check the checkbox and click Finish. It will open the XAMPP control panel as displayed in the following screenshot.

xampp control panel

Step 8 − 单击 Apache 和 MySQL 的“启动”按钮,如上述屏幕截图所示,这两个组件是 Mantis 所必需的。

Step 8 − Click the Start button for Apache and MySQL, required for Mantis as shown in the above screenshot.

Step 9 − 若要验证是否已经正确安装 Apache、PHP 和 MySQL 等所有先决条件,请导航至任意浏览器,键入 http://localhost 并按 Enter 键。它将显示 XAMPP 的信息中心。单击右上角的 phpAdmin,如以下屏幕截图所示。

Step 9 − To verify whether all the pre-requisites such as Apache, PHP, and MySQL is installed properly, navigate to any of the browser, type http://localhost and press Enter. It will display the dashboard of XAMPP. Click phpAdmin at the right top corner as shown in the following screenshot.

dashboard of xampp

下一个屏幕截图将显示“常规设置”、“应用程序设置”以及数据库、Web 服务器和 phpMyAdmin 的详细信息。

The next screenshot will display General Settings, Application Settings, Details of Database, Web Server, and phpMyAdmin.



If the installation is not proper, this page won’t be displayed. Till this point, all the pre-requisites are successfully installed in the system.

Install and Launch Mantis

Step 1 − 要下载 Mantis,请转到 and click 下载。

Step 1 − To download Mantis, go to and click Download.

download mantis

Step 2 − 在下一个页面上单击“下载”,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

Step 2 − Click Download on the next page as shown in the following screenshot.

click download

Step 3 − 再次单击“下载”,如下面的屏幕截图所示,然后保存 .zip 文件。

Step 3 − Again click Download as shown in the following screenshot and save the .zip file.

download click

Step 4 − 转到它已安装的 XAMPP 文件夹,然后导航到 htdocs 文件夹。解压缩下载的 mantis 并将其放置在如下面的屏幕截图所示。

Step 4 − Go to XAMPP folder where it is installed and navigate to htdocs folder. Unzip the downloaded mantis and place it as shown in the following screenshot.

xampp folder

Step 5 − 将文件夹名称 mantis 2.5.1 重命名为 mantis 以获得更好的网址。

Step 5 − Rename the folder name mantis 2.5.1 as mantis for better URL.

Step 6 − 现在打开一个浏览器,在导航栏中输入 http://localhost/mantis 并按 Enter。它将显示 mantis 的索引,如下面的屏幕截图所示。单击 mantis-2.5.1。

Step 6 − Now open a browser and type http://localhost/mantis in the navigation bar and press Enter. It will display the index of mantis as shown in the following screenshot. Click mantis-2.5.1.

mantis index


It will display the Pre-Installation page as shown in the following screenshot.

preinstallation page

Step 7 − 转到“安装”部分并进行更改(如果需要)。然后,单击“安装/升级数据库”按钮。

Step 7 − Go to the Installation section and make changes, if required. Then, click the Install/Upgrade Database button.

installation section

安装完成后,它将显示检查安装页面,并标记为良好,即 Mantis 已正确安装。

Once installation is complete, it will display the Check installation page and will be marked as Good, i.e. Mantis is installed properly.

Step 8 − 要启动 mantis,请使用 URL http://localhost/mantis and click mantis-2.5.1 。它将显示 Mantis 的登录页面,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

Step 8 − To launch mantis, use the URL http://localhost/mantis and click mantis-2.5.1. It will display the Login page of Mantis as shown in the following screenshot.

Note − 确保 Web 服务器和数据库在使用 URL 之前都正在运行,否则将显示“问题加载页面”错误。

Note − Make sure the Web server and the Database, both are running before using the URL, otherwise Problem Loading Page error will be displayed.

login page

Step 9 − 将用户名提供为“管理员”并单击“登录”。它将要求输入密码。使用“root”作为密码,然后单击“登录”。

Step 9 − Provide the username as “Administrator” and click Login. It will ask to enter the password. Use “root” as password and click Login.

administrator click login

成功登录后,它将显示 Mantis 仪表板。

After successful Login, it will display the Dashboard of Mantis.