Map Reduce 简明教程

MapReduce Tutorial

MapReduce 是在 Hadoop 的后台运行的编程范例,以提供可扩展性和轻松的数据处理解决方案。本教程解释了 MapReduce 的特性及其如何分析大数据。

MapReduce is a programming paradigm that runs in the background of Hadoop to provide scalability and easy data-processing solutions. This tutorial explains the features of MapReduce and how it works to analyze Big Data.


本教程专为希望使用 Hadoop 框架学习大数据分析基础知识并成为 Hadoop 开发人员的专业人士而准备。软件专业人员、分析专业人员和 ETL 开发人员是本课程的主要受益者。

This tutorial has been prepared for professionals aspiring to learn the basics of Big Data Analytics using the Hadoop Framework and become a Hadoop Developer. Software Professionals, Analytics Professionals, and ETL developers are the key beneficiaries of this course.


本教程的读者需要对 Core Java 基础知识有很好的理解,并且事先接触过任何 Linux 操作系统版本。

It is expected that the readers of this tutorial have a good understanding of the basics of Core Java and that they have prior exposure to any of the Linux operating system flavors.