Memcached 简明教程

Memcached - Get Data

Memcached get 命令用于获取存储在密钥上的值。如果密钥不存在于 Memcached 中,则它不会返回任何内容。

Memcached get command is used to get the value stored at key. If the key does not exist in Memcached, then it returns nothing.


Memcached get 命令的基本语法如下所示 −

The basic syntax of Memcached get command is as shown below −

get key


在以下示例中,我们使用 tutorialspoint 作为密钥,并在其中存储 memcached,其过期时间为 900 秒。

In the following example, we use tutorialspoint as the key and store memcached in it with an expiration time of 900 seconds.

set tutorialspoint 0 900 9
get tutorialspoint
VALUE tutorialspoint 0 9

Get Data Using Java Application

要从 Memcached 服务器获取数据,你需要使用 Memcached get 方法。

To get data from a Memcached server, you need to use the Memcached get method.


import net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient;
public class MemcachedJava {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      // Connecting to Memcached server on localhost
      MemcachedClient mcc = new MemcachedClient(new
      InetSocketAddress("", 11211));
      System.out.println("Connection to server sucessfully");
      System.out.println("set status:"+mcc.set("tutorialspoint", 900, "memcached").done);

     // Get value from cache
      System.out.println("Get from Cache:"+mcc.get("tutorialspoint"));



On compiling and executing the program, you get to see the following output −

Connection to server successfully
set status:true
Get from Cache:memcached