Memcached 简明教程
Memcached - Stats Sizes
Memcached stats sizes 命令提供有关缓存中各个大小的项目大小和数量的信息。信息在两列中返回。第一列是项目大小(向上舍入到最接近的 32 字节边界),第二列是缓存中该大小的项目数量。
Memcached stats sizes command provides information about the sizes and number of items of each size within the cache. The information is returned in two columns. The first column is the size of the item (rounded up to the nearest 32 byte boundary), and the second column is the count of the number of items of that size within the cache.
Memcached stats sizes 命令的基本语法如下所示 −
The basic syntax of Memcached stats sizes command is as shown below −
stats sizes
stats sizes
STAT 96 1
The item size statistics are useful only to determine the sizes of the objects you are storing. Since the actual memory allocation is relevant only in terms of the chunk size and page size, the information is only useful during a careful debugging or diagnostic session.