Mobile Testing 简明教程

Mobile Testing - Overview

在我们开始实际教程之前,让我们来进行一些有趣的活动。看看下面的列表。你很容易从这些我们今天在忙碌和紧张生活中常常不得不面对的基本任务中找到共鸣 −

Before we start the actual tutorial, let’s have some fun. Take a look at the following list. You can easily relate to these essential chores that we invariably have to face in today’s busy and hectic lifestyle −

  1. I want to pay my electricity bill.

  2. I need to communicate with my manager and submit my reports urgently.

  3. I want to buy new clothes for my kid, but I don’t have the time to go to a store.

  4. Oh…​it’s 10 PM; I am running late for my flight. Where is my cab?

  5. I have been in this city for the first time; which hotel should I book?

现在回答你自己。你需要什么才能在几秒钟内完成这些活动?答案是 −

Now answer yourself. What do you need to perform these activities in a fraction of second? The answer would be −

  1. A smartphone,

  2. Internet connectivity, and

  3. A mobile app to do the job.


This makes us realize the importance of a mobile app in today’s era. Everything is being done in a smart way through your smart phone. Each day, we get to know about a new app or tool being launched to ease our life.

有一个关于 Gowalla 的众所周知的事件。数百万人享受这个始于 2007 年并于 5 年后停用的基于位置的社交网络。很多问题阻碍了 Gowalla 吸引大众用户。浮出水面的首要原因之一是“办理入住手续并不那么用户友好”。

There is one well-known incidence about Gowalla. Millions of people enjoyed this location-based social network that started in 2007 and shuttered down five years later. Multiple problems blocked Gowalla from reaching mass appeal. One of the prime reasons that surfaced was “Checking in was not that user friendly”.


To have a successful mobile app, we need to understand that developing a nice mobile app is not the only requirement. A mobile app needs to be tested thoroughly in order to get the likability of users. After all, it is the user experience makes any software successful.