Mongodb 简明教程
MongoDB Tutorial
MongoDB Tutorial
MongoDB 是一个开源文档数据库和领先的NoSQL数据库。MongoDB是用C++编写的。本教程将帮助您深入了解创建和部署高可扩展和注重性能的数据库所需的MongoDB概念。
The MongoDB is an open-source document database and leading NoSQL database. MongoDB is written in C++. This tutorial will give you great understanding on MongoDB concepts needed to create and deploy a highly scalable and performance-oriented database.
MongoDB features are flexible data models that allows the storage of unstructured data. This provides full support indexing, replication, capabilities and also user friendly APIs.
MongoDB 是一个多用途数据集,用于现代应用程序开发和云环境。这种可扩展的架构使我们能够处理系统需求及增加更多节点以分配负载。
The MongoDB is a multipurpose dataset that is used for modern application development and cloud environments. This scalable architecture enables us to handle system demands and also adding more nodes to distribute the load.
MongoDB Basic Commands
我们有一系列标准MongoDb命令来与数据库进行交互,这些命令是CREATE、READ、INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE、DROP和AGGREGATE,根据其性质可分为以下几组 −
We have a list of standard MongoDb commands to interact with the database, These commands are CREATE, READ, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP and AGGREGATE can be classified into following groups based on their nature −
Command |
Description |
Creates a new table in the database and other objects in the database. |
Inserts collection name in existing database. |
Deletes an entire table or specified objects in the database. |
Updates the document into a collection. |
Why to Learn MongoDB?
MongoDB 可以处理非结构化数据,它提供了更好的索引和操作。MongoDB 确保开发软件应用程序能够以可扩展的方式处理各种数据。
MongoDB can handle unstructured data, which provides better indexing and operations. MongoDB ensures the development software applications that can handle all sorts of data in a scalable way.
MongoDB 是一种快速迭代式开发,使得大量团队可以协作。MongoDB 已成为世界上必要的数据库,使得每个开发人员都能轻松存储、管理和检索数据。
MongoDB is a rapid iterative development that enables the collaboration of a large number of teams. MongoDB has become the most necessary database in the world, which makes it easy for every developer to store, manage, and retrieve data.
MongoDB Applications
MongoDB 是一种非 SQL 数据库。MongoDB 为数据库程序员提供以下功能:
MongoDB is a NoSQL database. MongoDB provides following functionality to the database programmers −
Stores user data, comments and metadata
MongoDB performs complex analytics queries and stores the behavioral data.
This is used to manage chain data and optimize logistics.
Environmental data and IoT devices are stored and analyzed.
Who Should Learn MongoDB
这将向 Web 开发人员、DevOps 工程师、移动应用程序、后端、全栈、数据库管理员提供帮助。我们建议按左侧菜单中列出的顺序阅读本教程。
This MongoDB tutorial will help web developers, devops engineer, mobile apps, backend, full-stack, database administrators, etc. We recommend reading this tutorial, in the sequence listed in the left side menu.
Prerequisites to Learn MongoDB
Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of database, text editor and execution of programs, etc. Because we are going to develop high performance database, so it will be good if you have an understanding on the basic concepts of Database (RDBMS).
MongoDB 通常用于应用程序的开发,至少一种编程语言非常有助于使用 API。
MongoDB is typically used in the development of applications, at least one programming language is very helpful to work with APIs.
MongoDB Jobs and Opportunities
MongoDB 在专业上需求较高,并且在 IT 行业呈指数级增长。
MongoDB is in high demand professionally and it is exponentially growing in the IT industry.
MongoDB 职位需求很高,增长率为 50%。非 SQL 数据库市场正在以 30% 的速度增长。
In MongoDB jobs are in high demand with a growth rate of 50%. The NoSQL database market is growing at a rate of 30%.
MongoDB 专业人士的平均薪水在 100,000 美元到 200,000 美元之间。这可能因地点而异。以下公司招聘 MongoDB 专业人员:
Average salaries for a MongoDB professional are around $100,000 to $200,000. This may vary depending on the location. The Following companies recruit MongoDB professionals:
你可能是这些大公司中的任何一家公司的下一个员工。我们已经为 MongoDB 开发了出色的学习材料,帮助你为技术面试和认证做好准备。所以,随时随地在任何地方使用我们的教程,开始学习 MongoDB,完全根据自己的情况。
You could be the next employee for any of these major companies. We have developed great learning material for MongoDB that helps you prepare for technical interviews and certifications. So, start learning MongoDB using our tutorial anywhere and anytime, absolutely at your place.