Mongoengine 简明教程

MongoEngine Tutorial

MongoEngine 是一个 Python 库,充当 MongoDB 中的对象文档映射器,一个 NOSQL 数据库。它类似于 SQLAlchemy,它是基于 SQL 的数据库的面向对象关系映射器 (ORM)。

MongoEngine is a Python library that acts as an Object Document Mapper with MongoDB, a NOSQL database. It is similar to SQLAlchemy, which is the Object Relation Mapper (ORM) for SQL based databases.


在本教程中,您将了解如何借助 MongoEngine 和 Python 对 MongoDB 数据库执行 CRUD 操作。

In this tutorial, you will learn to perform CRUD operations on a MongoDB database with the help of MongoEngine and Python.


本教程对于打算在应用程序中使用 MongoDB 数据库的 Python 专业人员很有用。了解 Python 和面向对象的知识至关重要。

This tutorial is useful for Python professionals who intend to use MongoDB database in their applications. Knowledge of Python and object oriented concepts are essential.