Mongoengine 简明教程
MongoEngine - Dynamic Schema
MongoDB 数据库的优点之一是支持动态架构。若要创建支持动态架构的类,可从 DynamicDocument 基类进行子类化。以下是具有动态架构的 Student 类−
One of the advantages of MongoDB database is that it supports dynamic schema. To create a class that supports dynamic schema, subclass it from DynamicDocument base class. Following is the Student class with dynamic schema −
>>> class student(DynamicDocument):
... name=StringField()
第一步是要先添加 Document 。
The first step is to add first Document as before.
>>> s1=student()
>>> connect('mydb')
Now add another attribute to second document and save.
>>> s2=student()
>>> setattr(s2,'age',20)
In the database, student collection will show two documents with dynamic schema.

文档类的元字典可以通过指定 max_documents 和 max_size 使用限幅集合。
The meta dictionary of document class can use a Capped Collection by specifying max_documents and max_size.
max_documents − 集合中允许存储的最大文档数。
max_documents − The maximum number of documents that is allowed to be stored in the collection.
max_size − 集合的最大大小(以字节为单位)。max_size 由 MongoDB 在内部以及 mongoengine 在之前舍入为 256 的下一个倍数。
max_size − The maximum size of the collection in bytes. max_size is rounded up to the next multiple of 256 by MongoDB internally and mongoengine before.
如果没有指定 max_size 但指定了 max_documents ,则 max_size 的默认值为 10485760 字节(10MB)。
If max_size is not specified and max_documents is, max_size defaults to 10485760 bytes (10MB).
文档类的其他参数如下所列 −
Other parameters of Document class are listed below −
objects |
A QuerySet object that is created lazily on access. |
cascade_save() |
Recursively save any references and generic references on the document. |
clean() |
Hook for doing document level data cleaning before validation is run. |
create_index() |
Creates the given indexes if required. |
drop_collection() |
Drops the entire collection associated with this Document type from the database. |
from_json() |
Converts json data to a Document instance. |
modify() |
Perform an atomic update of the document in the database and reload the document object using updated version. |
pk |
Get the primary key. |
save() |
Save the Document to the database. If the document already exists, it will be updated, otherwise it will be created. Returns the saved object instance. |
delete() |
Delete current document from database. |
insert() |
Performs bulk insert operation. |