Ms Access 简明教程
MS Access - Create Database
在本章中,我们将介绍启动 Access 和创建数据库的基本过程。本章还将说明如何使用模板创建桌面数据库以及如何从头开始构建数据库。
In this chapter, we will be covering the basic process of starting Access and creating a database. This chapter will also explain how to create a desktop database by using a template and how to build a database from scratch.
要从模板创建数据库,我们首先需要打开 MS Access,您将看到以下屏幕,其中显示不同的 Access 数据库模板。
To create a database from a template, we first need to open MS Access and you will see the following screen in which different Access database templates are displayed.

To view the all the possible databases, you can scroll down or you can also use the search box.
让我们在搜索框中输入项目并按 Enter 键。您将看到与项目管理相关的数据库模板。
Let us enter project in the search box and press Enter. You will see the database templates related to project management.

Select the first template. You will see more information related to this template.

在选择与您的要求相关的模板之后,在 File name 字段中输入名称,如果您愿意,还可以为您的文件指定另一个位置。
After selecting a template related to your requirements, enter a name in the File name field and you can also specify another location for your file if you want.

现在,按创建选项。Access 将下载该数据库模板,并打开一个新的空白数据库,如下面的屏幕截图所示。
Now, press the Create option. Access will download that database template and open a new blank database as shown in the following screenshot.

Now, click the Navigation pane on the left side and you will see all the other objects that come with this database.

Click the Projects Navigation and select the Object Type in the menu.

You will now see all the objects types — tables, queries, etc.

Create Blank Database
Sometimes database requirements can be so specific that using and modifying the existing templates requires more work than just creating a database from scratch. In such case, we make use of blank database.
Step 1 − 让我们从打开 MS Access 开始。
Step 1 − Let us now start by opening MS Access.

Step 2 − 选择空白桌面数据库。输入名称,并点击“创建”按钮。
Step 2 − Select Blank desktop database. Enter the name and click the Create button.

Step 3 − Access 将创建一个新的空白数据库,并会打开一个表格,其中也是完全空白的。
Step 3 − Access will create a new blank database and will open up the table which is also completely blank.