Ms Sql Server 简明教程
MS SQL Server - Analysis Services
This service is used to analyze huge amounts of data and apply to business decisions. It is also used to create two or multidimensional business models.
在 SQL Server 2000 版本中,该服务称为 MSAS(Microsoft Analysis Services,Microsoft 分析服务)。
In SQL Server 2000 version, it is called MSAS (Microsoft Analysis Services).
从 SQL Server 2005 开始,该服务称为 SSAS(SQL Server Analysis Services,SQL Server 分析服务)。
From SQL Server 2005, it is called SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services).
有两种模式 - 本机模式(SQL Server 模式)和共享点模式。
There are two modes − Native Mode (SQL Server Mode) and Share Point Mode.
有两种模型 - 表格模型(用于团队和个人分析)和多维模型(用于企业分析)。
There are two models − Tabular Model (For Team and Personal Analysis) and Multi Dimensions Model (For Corporate Analysis).
BIDS(商业智能设计工作室,直至 2008 R2)和 SSDT(SQL Server 数据工具,自 2012 年起)是用于 SSAS 的环境。
The BIDS (Business Intelligence Studio till 2008 R2) and SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools from 2012) are environments to work with SSAS.
Step 1 - 根据 Microsoft SQL Server 程序组中的版本,打开 BIDS\SSDT。将显示以下屏幕。
Step 1 − Open either BIDS\SSDT based on the version from the Microsoft SQL Server programs group. The following screen will appear.

Step 2 - 上述屏幕显示 SSDT 已打开。转到上图左上角的文件并单击新建。选择项目,将打开以下屏幕。
Step 2 − The above screen shows SSDT has opened. Go to file on the top left corner in the above image and click New. Select project and the following screen opens.

Step 3 - 在上图左上角的商业智能下,选择上述屏幕中的分析服务。将弹出一个以下屏幕。
Step 3 − Select Analysis Services in the above screen under Business Intelligence as seen on the top left corner. The following screen pops up.

Step 4 - 在上图中,根据您的分析服务工作要求从所列的五个选项中选择一个选项。
Step 4 − In the above screen, select any one option from the listed five options based on your requirement to work with Analysis services.