Ms Sql Server 简明教程
MS SQL Server - Drop Database
若要从 MS SQL Server 中移除数据库,请使用 drop database 命令。以下两种方法可用于此目的。
To remove your database from MS SQL Server, use drop database command. Following two methods can be used for this purpose.
Method 1 – Using T-SQL Script
以下是从 MS SQL Server 中移除数据库的基本语法。
Following is the basic syntax for removing database from MS SQL Server.
Drop database <your database name>
Method 2 – Using MS SQL Server Management Studio
连接到 SQL Server 并右键单击要移除的数据库。单击删除命令,随后将出现以下屏幕。
Connect to SQL Server and right-click the database you want to remove. Click delete command and the following screen will appear.

单击确定以从 MS SQL Server 中移除数据库(在本例中,名称为 Testdb,如上屏所示)。
Click OK to remove the database (in this example, the name is Testdb as shown in the above screen) from MS SQL Server.