Ms Sql Server 简明教程
MS SQL Server - Overview
本章介绍了 SQL Server,讨论了它的用法、优点、版本和组件。
This chapter introduces SQL Server, discusses its usage, advantages, versions, and components.
What is SQL Server?
It is a software, developed by Microsoft, which is implemented from the specification of RDBMS.
It is also an ORDBMS.
It is platform dependent.
It is both GUI and command based software.
It supports SQL (SEQUEL) language which is an IBM product, non-procedural, common database and case insensitive language.
Usage of SQL Server
To create databases.
To maintain databases.
To analyze the data through SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS).
To generate reports through SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
To carry out ETL operations through SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
Versions of SQL Server
Version |
Year |
Code Name |
6.0 |
1995 |
SQL95 |
6.5 |
1996 |
Hydra |
7.0 |
1998 |
Sphinx |
8.0 (2000) |
2000 |
Shiloh |
9.0 (2005) |
2005 |
Yukon |
10.0 (2008) |
2008 |
Katmai |
10.5 (2008 R2) |
2010 |
Kilimanjaro |
11.0 (2012) |
2012 |
Denali |
12 (2014) |
2014 |
Hekaton (initially), SQL 14 (current) |
SQL Server Components
SQL Server 在客户机-服务器架构中运行,因此它支持两种类型的组件-(a)工作站和(b)服务器。
SQL Server works in client-server architecture, hence it supports two types of components − (a) Workstation and (b) Server.
Workstation components are installed in every device/SQL Server operator’s machine. These are just interfaces to interact with Server components. Example: SSMS, SSCM, Profiler, BIDS, SQLEM etc.
Server components are installed in centralized server. These are services. Example: SQL Server, SQL Server Agent, SSIS, SSAS, SSRS, SQL browser, SQL Server full text search etc.
Instance of SQL Server
An instance is an installation of SQL Server.
An instance is an exact copy of the same software.
If we install 'n' times, then 'n' instances will be created.
There are two types of instances in SQL Server a) Default b) Named.
Only one default instance will be supported in one Server.
Multiple named instances will be supported in one Server.
Default instance will take the server name as Instance name.
Default instance service name is MSSQLSERVER.
16 instances will be supported in 2000 version.
50 instances will supported in 2005 and later versions.