Ms Sql Server 简明教程
MS SQL Server - Reporting services
Report 是一个可显示组件。
Report is a displayable component.
Report is basically used for two purposes - Company Internal Operations and Company External Operations.
Reporting Services
This is a service which is used to create and publish various kinds of reports.
Following are the three requirements necessary to develop any report.
Business process
BIDS(2008 R2 之前的商业智能工作室)和 SSDT(2012 年起的 SQL Server 数据工具)是开发报表的环境。
The BIDS (Business Intelligence Studio till 2008 R2) and SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools from 2012) are environment to develop reports.
以下是打开 BIDS\SSDT 环境以开发报表的步骤。
Following are the steps to open BIDS\SSDT environment to develop reports.
Step 1 − 根据 Microsoft SQL Server 程序组的版本打开 BIDS\SSDT。将显示以下屏幕。在本例中,已打开 SSDT。
Step 1 − Open either BIDS\SSDT based on the version from the Microsoft SQL Server programs group. The following screen will appear. In this case, SSDT has opened.

Step 2 − 转到上图屏幕截图左上角的文件。单击新建并选择项目。将打开以下屏幕。
Step 2 − Go to file at the top left corner in the above screenshot. Click New and select project. The following screen will open.

Step 3 − 在上图屏幕中,选择左上角商业智能下的报表服务,如下面的屏幕截图所示。
Step 3 − In the above screen, select reporting services under business intelligence at the top left corner as shown in the following screenshot.

Step 4 − 在上图屏幕中,根据您开发报表的需要,选择报表服务器项目向导(它将通过向导逐步为您指导)或报表服务器项目(将用于选择自定义设置)。
Step 4 − In the above screen, select either report server project wizard (it will guide you step by step through wizards) or report server project (it will be used to select customized settings) based on your requirement to develop the report.