Ms Sql Server 简明教程
MS SQL Server - Restoring Databases
Restoring 是从备份中复制数据并将记录的交易应用于数据的过程。还原是您对备份执行的操作。获取备份文件并将其重新转变成数据库。
Restoring is the process of copying data from a backup and applying logged transactions to the data. Restore is what you do with backups. Take the backup file and turn it back into a database.
The Restore database option can be done using either of the following two methods.
Method 1 – T-SQL
The following command is used to restore database called 'TestDB' with backup file name 'TestDB_Full.bak' which is available in 'D:\' location if you are overwriting the existed database.
Restore database TestDB from disk = ' D:\TestDB_Full.bak' with replace
If you are creating a new database with this restore command and there is no similar path of data, log files in target server, then use move option like the following command.
确保为数据和日志文件存在以下命令中使用的 D:\Data 路径。
Make sure the D:\Data path exists as used in the following command for data and log files.
'D:\Data\TestDB.mdf', MOVE 'TestDB_Log' TO 'D:\Data\TestDB_Log.ldf'
Method 2 – SSMS (SQL SERVER Management Studio)
Step 1 - 连接到名为“TESTINSTANCE”的数据库实例,右键单击数据库文件夹。单击恢复数据库,如下面的快照中所示。
Step 1 − Connect to database instance named 'TESTINSTANCE' and right-click on databases folder. Click Restore database as shown in the following snapshot.

Step 2 - 选择设备单选按钮,并单击椭圆点以选择备份文件,如下面的快照中所示。
Step 2 − Select device radio button and click on ellipse to select the backup file as shown in the following snapshot.

Step 3 - 单击确定,将弹出以下屏幕。
Step 3 − Click OK and the following screen pops up.

Step 4 - 如下面的快照中所示,选择左上角的文件选项。
Step 4 − Select Files option which is on the top left corner as shown in the following snapshot.

Step 5 − 选择左上角的“选择选项”,然后单击“确定”以还原“TestDB”数据库,如下图所示。
Step 5 − Select Options which is on the top left corner and click OK to restore 'TestDB' database as shown in the following snapshot.