Mulesoft 简明教程

MuleSoft - Anypoint Studio

MuleSoft 的 Anypoint Studio 是一个用户友好的 IDE (integration development environment) ,用于设计和测试 Mule 应用程序。这是一个基于 Eclipse 的 IDE。我们可以轻松地从 Mule Palette 中拖动连接器。换句话说,Anypoint Studio 是一个基于 Eclipse 的 IDE,用于开发流等。

MuleSoft’s Anypoint Studio is a user-friendly IDE (integration development environment) used for designing and testing Mule applications. It is an Eclipse-based IDE. We can easily drag Connectors from the Mule Palette. In other words, Anypoint Studio is an Eclipse based IDE for development of flow, etc.


在所有操作系统(即 Windows、Mac 和 Linux/Unix)上安装 Mule 之前,我们需要满足以下先决条件。

We need to satisfy following prerequisites before installing Mule on all OS, i.e., Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix.

Java Development Kit (JDK) − 在安装 Mule 之前,检查你的系统是否拥有支持的 Java 版本。建议使用 JDK 1.8.0 在系统上成功安装 Anypoint。

Java Development Kit (JDK) − Before installing Mule, verify that you have supported version of Java on your system. JDK 1.8.0 is recommended to successfully install Anypoint on your system.

Downloading and Installing Anypoint Studio

在不同的操作系统上下载并安装 Anypoint Studio 的步骤可能有所不同。接下来,以下是适用于各种操作系统的 Anypoint Studio 下载和安装步骤 −

The procedure to download and install Anypoint Studio on different operating systems may vary. Next, there are steps to be followed for downloading and installing Anypoint Studio on various operating systems −

On Windows

要在 Windows 上下载并安装 Anypoint Studio,我们需要执行以下步骤 −

To download and install Anypoint Studio on Windows, we need to follow the steps below −

Step 1 − 首先,单击链接 并从下拉列表中选择 Windows 操作系统下载该工作室。

Step 1 − First, click on the link and choose the Windows operating system from top-down list to download the studio.

download anypoint studio

Step 2 − 现在,将其提取到 ‘C:\’ 根文件夹。

Step 2 − Now, extract it into the ‘C:\’ root folder.

Step 3 − 打开提取的 Anypoint Studio。

Step 3 − Open the extracted Anypoint Studio.

Step 4 − 要接受默认工作区,请单击确定。首次加载时,您将收到欢迎消息。

Step 4 − For accepting the default workspace, click OK. You will get a welcome message when it loads for the first time.

Step 5 − 现在,单击入门按钮以使用 Anypoint Studio。

Step 5 − Now, click on Get Started button to use Anypoint Studio.


要在 OS X 上下载并安装 Anypoint Studio,我们需要执行以下步骤 −

To download and install Anypoint Studio on OS X, we need to follow the steps below −

Step 1 − 首先,单击链接 并下载该工作室。

Step 1 − First, click on the link and download the studio.

download anypoint studio on os x

Step 2 − 现在,将其提取。如果你正在使用 OS 版本 Sierra,请务必在启动之前将提取的 App 移至 /Applications folder

Step 2 − Now, extract it. In case if you are using OS version Sierra, make sure to move the extracted app to /Applications folder before launching it.

Step 3 − 打开提取的 Anypoint Studio。

Step 3 − Open the extracted Anypoint Studio.

Step 4 − 要接受默认工作区,请单击确定。首次加载时,您将收到欢迎消息。

Step 4 − For accepting the default workspace, click OK. You will get a welcome message when it loads for the first time.

Step 5 − 现在,单击 Get Started 按钮以使用 Anypoint Studio。

Step 5 − Now, click on Get Started button to use Anypoint Studio.

如果你打算对工作区使用自定义路径,请注意 Anypoint Studio 不会展开 Linux/Unix 系统中使用的波浪号 (~)。因此,建议在定义工作区时使用绝对路径。

If you are going to use custom path to your workspace, then please note that Anypoint Studio does not expand the ~ tilde used in Linux/Unix systems. Hence, it is recommended to use the absolute path while defining the workspace.

On Linux

要在 Linux 上下载并安装 Anypoint Studio,我们需要执行以下步骤 −

To download and install Anypoint Studio on Linux, we need to follow the steps below −

Step 1 − 首先,单击链接 并从下拉列表中选择 Linux 操作系统下载该工作室。

Step 1 − First, click on the link and choose the Linux operating system from top-down list to download the studio.

download on linux

Step 2 − 现在,将其提取。

Step 2 − Now, extract it.

Step 3 − 接下来,打开提取的 Anypoint Studio。

Step 3 − Next, open the extracted Anypoint Studio.

Step 4 − 要接受默认工作区,请单击确定。首次加载时,您将收到欢迎消息。

Step 4 − For accepting the default workspace, click OK. You will get a welcome message when it loads for the first time.

Step 5 − 现在,单击入门按钮以使用 Anypoint Studio。

Step 5 − Now, click on Get Started button to use Anypoint Studio.

如果你打算对工作区使用自定义路径,请注意 Anypoint Studio 不会展开 Linux/Unix 系统中使用的波浪号 (~)。因此,建议在定义工作区时使用绝对路径。

If you are going to use custom path to your workspace, then please note that Anypoint Studio does not expand the ~ tilde used in Linux/Unix systems. Hence, it is recommended to use the absolute path while defining the workspace.

还建议安装 GTK 版本 2 来在 Linux 中使用完整的工作室主题。

It is also recommended to install GTK version 2 to use complete Studio Themes in Linux.

Features of Anypoint Studio

以下是 Anypoint studio 增强 Mule 应用程序构建过程中的生产力的某些功能

Following are some features of Anypoint studio enhancing the productivity while building Mule applications −

  1. It provides an instant run of Mule application inside a local runtime.

  2. Anypoint studio gives us visual editor for configuring API definition files and Mule domains.

  3. It has embedded unit testing framework enhancing the productivity.

  4. Anypoint studio provides us the Built-in support to deploy to CloudHub.

  5. It has the facility to integrate with Exchange for importing templates, examples, definitions and other resources from other Anypoint Platform organization.