Mysql 简明教程

MySQL - Change Column Type

在 MySQL 中,用户可以灵活地修改字段的数据类型。当您最初为新数据库表中的列设置了错误的数据类型,或者需要调整特定列中值的存储大小时,这将非常有用。

In MySQL, users have the flexibility to modify the data type of a field. This is useful when you initially set the wrong data type for a column in a new database table, or when you need to adjust the storage size for the values in a particular column.

您可以使用 ALTER TABLE 命令修改或更新 MySQL 表中的列类型。

You can modify or update the column type in a MySQL table, using the ALTER TABLE command.


ALTER TABLE 命令用于修改与数据库表相关的任何数据。这些数据可以是表中的记录或表定义本身。更改列的数据类型是可以使用 ALTER TABLE 命令执行的此类修改之一。

The ALTER TABLE command is used to modify any data related to a database table. This data can either be records in the table or the table definition itself. Changing the data type of a column is one such modification that can be performed using the ALTER TABLE command.

有两种方法可以更改列的数据类型:ALTER TABLE…​ MODIFY 命令和 ALTER TABLE…​ CHANGE 命令。

There are two methods to change a column’s data type: the ALTER TABLE…​ MODIFY command and the ALTER TABLE…​ CHANGE command.


您可以将 MODIFY 方法与 ALTER TABLE 语句结合使用来更改列/字段数据类型。

You can use MODIFY method with the ALTER TABLE statement to change the column/field data type.



以下是使用 ALTER TABLE…​ MODIFY 命令更改列类型时的基本语法 -

Following is the basic syntax to change the column type using ALTER TABLE…​ MODIFY command −

ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY column_name new_datatype;


假设您已使用以下查询创建了一个名为“test_table”的表 -

Suppose you have created a table named 'test_table' using the following query −

CREATE TABLE test_table (
   field1 INT,
   field2 VARCHAR(100),
   field3 DATE,
   PRIMARY KEY(field1)

若要检查表是否已成功创建,请使用 DESC 命令,如下所示 -

To check if the table is successfully created or not, use the DESC command as shown below −

DESC test_table;

这将显示表结构,如下所示 -

This will display the table structure as follows −

现在,假设您想将 'field2' 的数据类型从 VARCHAR(100) 更改为 TEXT 以使其更简洁。您可以使用 ALTER TABLE…​ MODIFY 查询来执行此操作,如下所示 -

Now, let us say you want to change the data type of 'field2' from VARCHAR(100) to TEXT for more simplicity. You can do this using the ALTER TABLE…​ MODIFY query as follows −

ALTER TABLE test_table MODIFY field2 TEXT;

以下是所获得的输出 −

Following is the output obtained −

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

若要检查列数据类型是否已成功更改,请使用 DESC 命令,如下所示 -

To check if the column data type is successfully changed, use the DESC command as shown below −

DESC test_table;

这将显示修改后的表结构,如下所示 -

This will display the modified table structure as follows −


您还可以将 CHANGE 方法与 ALTER TABLE 语句结合使用来修改列的数据类型。此方法用于在创建表之后修改与表相关的所有数据。

You can also use the CHANGE method with the ALTER TABLE statement to modify a column’s data type. This method is used to alter all the data related to table after it is created.

CHANGE 和 MODIFY 方法之间的唯一区别在于,MODIFY 方法不能重命名列,而 CHANGE 方法可以。

The only difference between CHANGE and MODIFY methods is that the MODIFY method cannot rename a column whereas the CHANGE method can.



以下是使用 ALTER TABLE…​ CHANGE 命令更改列类型的基本语法 −

Following is the basic syntax to change the column type using ALTER TABLE…​ CHANGE command −

ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE column_name column_name new_datatype;

在使用 CHANGE 方法时,您必须记住在查询中两次指定列名称。

You must remember to specify the column name twice in the query whenever the CHANGE method is used.


在此示例中,我们使用 ALTER TABLE 命令中的 CHANGE 方法更改了“test_table”中“field3”的数据类型。首先,让我们使用 DESC 命令观察表的当前定义 −

In this example, we are changing the datatype of 'field3' in the 'test_table' using the CHANGE method in ALTER TABLE command. Firstly, let us observe current definition of the table using DESC command −

DESC test_table;

以下是产生的表 −

Following is the table produced −

现在,使用 ALTER TABLE…​ CHANGE 方法,更改“field3”的列类型 −

Now, using ALTER TABLE…​ CHANGE method, change the column type of 'field3' −

ALTER TABLE test_table CHANGE field3 field3 VARCHAR(20);


Output of the above code is as follows −

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

您可以使用 DESC 命令验证列数据类型是否已更改,如下所示 −

You can verify whether the column data type is changed using the DESC command as shown below −

DESC test_table;

我们获得以下表作为输出 −

We get the following table as an output −

Changing Column type Using Client Program


We can also change column type using client program.



以下是这些程序 −

Following are the programs −