Mysql 简明教程


The MySQL SET data type

MySQL SET 数据类型用于存储从预定义的值列表中选择的一组值。SET 数据类型的每一列都可以从其值列表中选择零个或多个值。在插入或更新数据时,这些值被指定为以逗号分隔的列表。

The MySQL SET data type is used to store a set of values chosen from a predefined list of values. Each column of the SET datatype can have zero or more values chosen from its list of values. These values are specified as a comma-separated list when inserting or updating data.

需要注意的是,可以在 SET 列中存储的值的列表是在创建表时定义的,并且不允许该列表之外的任何值。

It is important to note that the list of values that can be stored in a SET column is defined at the time the table is created, and any values outside this list are not allowed.

例如,如果我们像这样定义 SET 列 -

For example, if we define a SET column like this −

test_col SET('one', 'two') NOT NULL

该列的可能值 -

The possible values for this column are −

  1. An empty string ('')

  2. 'one'

  3. 'two'

  4. 'one,two'

Storage of SET Data Type

一个 MySQL SET 列最多可以包含 64 distinct 个成员,这意味着不允许重复的值。如果存在重复,MySQL 会在启用严格 SQL 模式时生成错误或警告。此外,MySQL 在创建表时会自动移除 SET 值中的尾部空格。

A MySQL SET column can hold a maximum of 64 distinct members, which means that duplicate values are not allowed. If duplicates exist, MySQL will generate an error or a warning when strict SQL mode is enabled. Additionally, MySQL automatically removes trailing spaces from SET values when creating a table.

在 MySQL 中,当你在 SET 列中存储一个数字时,该数字二进制表示中设置的位确定了哪些集合成员包含在列值中。为了更好地理解,考虑下面的查询 -

In MySQL, when you store a number in a SET column, the bits set in the binary representation of that number determine which set members are included in the column value. Consider the following query for a better understanding −

Create table test_table (
   ID int auto_increment primary key ,
   COL1 set('Goa', 'Assam', 'Delhi', 'Kerala')

在上一个查询中,每个集合成员都分配了一个位,具有对应的十进制和二进制值 -

In the above query, each set member is assigned a single bit with corresponding decimal and binary values −

所以,如果将 3 的值分配给列(二进制:0011),则它会选择前两个 SET 成员,从而得到“Goa,Assam”。

So, if a value of 3 is assigned to the column (binary: 0011), it selects the first two SET members, resulting in 'Goa,Assam'.


首先,让我们使用以下查询创建名为 test_table 的表 -

First of all, let us create a table with the name test_table using the following query −

Create table test_table (
   ID int auto_increment primary key ,
   COL1 set('Goa', 'Assam', 'Delhi', 'Kerala')

以下是所获得的输出 −

Following is the output obtained −

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

在向 SET 列插入值时,列出元素不需要特定的顺序。即使某个特定元素列出多次,在以后检索时,每个元素只会出现一次,遵循表创建期间指定的顺序。

When inserting values into a SET column, there is no specific order required for listing the elements. Even if a particular element is listed multiple times, when retrieved later, each element will appear only once, following the order specified during table creation.

在此处,我们将值插入到集合中 -

Here, we are inserting the values into the set −




The output produced is as shown below −

Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0


使用 SELECT 语句显示“test_table”的所有记录,如下所示 -

Let us display all the records of the 'test_table' using the SELECT statement as follows −

SELECT * FROM test_table;

正如我们在下面的输出中看到的,所有“COL1”中的值都会显示为“Goa,Assam” -

As we can see the output below, all the values in 'COL1' will appear as 'Goa,Assam' −


在以下查询中,我们使用 MySQL LIKE 操作符搜索表中的 SET 值。它查找“COL1”中包含“GOA”的任意位置(甚至是子字符串)的行 -

In the following query, we are searching for the SET values in the table using the MySQL LIKE operator. It finds rows where 'COL1' contains 'GOA' anywhere, even as a substring −

SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE COL1 LIKE '%Goa%';



On executing the given query, the output is displayed as follows −


在此,我们将获取值完全为“Goa,Assam”的行,并且顺序与“COL1”定义中列出的顺序相同 -

In here, we are fetching the rows where the values are exactly 'Goa,Assam' and in the same order as listed in the 'COL1' definition −

SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE COL1 = 'Goa,Assam';


以上查询的输出如下 −

The output for the above query is as given below −

Updating the SET Values

在 MySQL 中,你可以通过替换元素、添加元素或从 SET 数据中移除元素来更新 SET 元素。以下是每种方法的示例 -

In MySQL, you can update SET elements in various ways: by replacing elements, adding elements, or removing elements from the SET data. Here are examples of each method −

Replacing SET Data

在下面的查询中,我们将第 5 行的值替换为数字 11,它对应于 Goa + Assam + Kerala (8 + 2 + 1)。

In the following query, we replace the value in the 5th row with the number 11, which corresponds to Goa + Assam + Kerala (8 + 2 + 1) −

UPDATE test_table SET COL1 = 11 WHERE Id = 5;



The query executes successfully and produces the following output −

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0


若要验证 test_table 中所做的更改,请使用以下 SELECT 查询:

To verify the changes done in the test_table, use the following SELECT query −

SELECT * FROM test_table;


Following is the output produced −

Adding Data to SET

您可以使用 CONCAT() 函数向现有 SET 列中添加元素。在此示例中,我们向第 3 行中的值中添加“Kerala”:

You can add elements to an existing SET column using the CONCAT() function. In this example, we add "Kerala" to the value in the 3rd row −

UPDATE test_table SET COL1 = CONCAT(COL1, ",Kerala")
WHERE Id = 3;



The output for this query is as follows −

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0


若要验证 test_table 中所做的更改,请使用以下 SELECT 查询:

To verify the changes done in the test_table, use the following SELECT query −

SELECT * FROM test_table;


The result shows the updated value −

Removing Data from SET

若要移除特定的 SET 元素,可以使用 & ~ 位操作。在此示例中,我们从第 4 行中的值中移除“Assam”元素:

To remove a specific SET element, you can use the & ~ bitwise operation. In this example, we remove the "Assam" element from the value in the 4th row −

UPDATE test_table SET COL1 = COL1 & ~2 WHERE ID = 4;



The output for this query is as follows −

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0


让我们使用以下查询验证 test_table

Let us verify the test_table using the below query −

SELECT * FROM test_table;


Following is the table obtained −

SET Datatype Using a Client Program

我们还可以使用客户端程序创建 SET 数据类型的列。

We can also create column of the SET datatype using the client program.



以下是这些程序 −

Following are the programs −