Mysql 简明教程



MySQL TINYINT 数据类型用于将整数值存储在非常小的范围内。它仅占用 1 字节(8 位)存储,对于有符号的 TINYINT 来说可以容纳 -128 到 127 的值,对于无符号的 TINYINT 来说可以容纳 0 到 255 的值。

The MySQL TINYINT data type is used to store integer values within a very small range. It occupies just 1 byte (8 bits) of storage and can hold values from -128 to 127 for signed TINYINT or 0 to 255 for unsigned TINYINT.

当你在 MySQL 中定义一个 TINYINT 列时,默认情况下它被认为是有符号的。这意味着它可以在特定范围内容纳正数和负数。此外,你可以使用“TINYINT”或“INT1”来定义这种列,因为它们以相同的方式工作。

When you define a TINYINT column in MySQL, by default it is considered as SIGNED. This means it can hold both positive and negative numbers within a specific range. Additionally, you can use either "TINYINT" or "INT1" to define such a column because they work the same way.


以下是 MySQL TINYINT 数据类型的语法 -

Following is the syntax of the MySQL TINYINT data type −



首先,让我们使用以下查询创建一个名为 tinyint_table 的表 -

First, let us create a table with the name tinyint_table using the below query −

CREATE TABLE tinyint_table (
   col1 TINYINT,

以下是所获得的输出 −

Following is the output obtained −

Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.03 sec)

现在,让我们尝试将某些值(128、128、128)插入这些列,如下所示 -

Now, let us try to insert some values (128, 128, 128) into these columns as shown below −

INSERT INTO tinyint_table VALUES (128, 128, 128);

col1 中的值会生成错误,因为我们插入的值超出了范围 -

An error is generated for the value in col1 because the value we inserted is out of range −

ERROR 1264 (22003): Out of range value for column 'col1' at row 1

接下来,如果我们尝试在 TINYINT UNSIGNED 列 (“col2”) 中插入一个负值,它将导致错误,因为 UNSIGNED 值不能是负数 -

Next, if we try to insert a negative value into the TINYINT UNSIGNED column ("col2"), it will result in an error because UNSIGNED values cannot be negative −

INSERT INTO tinyint_table VALUES (127, -120, 128);

显示的错误信息如下 -

The error message displayed is as follows −

ERROR 1264 (22003): Out of range value for column 'col2' at row 1

同样,如果我们将 -128 插入 TINYINT ZEROFILL 列 (“col3”),系统会生成一个错误 −

Similarly, if we insert -128 into the TINYINT ZEROFILL column ("col3"), an error will be generated −

INSERT INTO tinyint_table VALUES (127, 128, -128);


The output is as shown below −

ERROR 1264 (22003): Out of range value for column 'col3' at row 1

但是,如果我们插入有效范围内的值,插入操作会成功,如下所示 −

However, if we insert values within the valid range, the insertion will succeed as shown below −

INSERT INTO tinyint_table VALUES (127, 128, 128);

以下是上面代码的输出: -

Following is the output of the above code −

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

最后,我们可以使用以下 SELECT 查询检索表中所有已有的记录 −

Finally, we can retrieve all the records present in the table using the following SELECT query −

SELECT * FROM tinyint_table;

该查询将显示以下结果 −

This query will display the following result −

TINYINT Datatype Using a Client Program

我们还可以使用客户端程序创建 TINYINT 数据类型的列。

We can also create column of the TINYINT datatype using the client program.



以下是这些程序 −

Following are the programs −