Numpy 简明教程
NumPy - Array Manipulation
NumPy 包中提供了多个例程,用于处理 ndarray
Several routines are available in NumPy package for manipulation of elements in ndarray object. They can be classified into the following types −
Changing Shape
Sr.No. |
Shape & Description |
1 |
reshapeGives a new shape to an array without changing its data |
2 |
flatA 1-D iterator over the array |
3 |
flattenReturns a copy of the array collapsed into one dimension |
4 |
ravelReturns a contiguous flattened array |
Transpose Operations
Sr.No. |
Operation & Description |
1 |
transposePermutes the dimensions of an array |
2 |
ndarray.TSame as self.transpose() |
3 |
rollaxisRolls the specified axis backwards |
4 |
swapaxesInterchanges the two axes of an array |
Changing Dimensions
Sr.No. |
Dimension & Description |
1 |
broadcastProduces an object that mimics broadcasting |
2 |
broadcast_toBroadcasts an array to a new shape |
3 |
expand_dimsExpands the shape of an array |
4 |
squeezeRemoves single-dimensional entries from the shape of an array |
Joining Arrays
Sr.No. |
Array & Description |
1 |
concatenateJoins a sequence of arrays along an existing axis |
2 |
stackJoins a sequence of arrays along a new axis |
3 |
hstackStacks arrays in sequence horizontally (column wise) |
4 |
vstackStacks arrays in sequence vertically (row wise) |
Splitting Arrays
Sr.No. |
Array & Description |
1 |
splitSplits an array into multiple sub-arrays |
2 |
hsplitSplits an array into multiple sub-arrays horizontally (column-wise) |
3 |
vsplitSplits an array into multiple sub-arrays vertically (row-wise) |
Adding / Removing Elements
Sr.No. |
Element & Description |
1 |
resizeReturns a new array with the specified shape |
2 |
appendAppends the values to the end of an array |
3 |
insertInserts the values along the given axis before the given indices |
4 |
deleteReturns a new array with sub-arrays along an axis deleted |
5 |
uniqueFinds the unique elements of an array |