Obiee 简明教程
OBIEE – Administration
在 OBIEE 10g 中,大多数 OBIEE 管理任务都是通过管理工具、基于 Web 的演示服务器管理屏幕或编辑文件系统中的文件来执行的。大约有 700 个或更多配置选项分布在多个工具和配置文件中,并且某些选项(如用户和组)嵌入在不相关的存储库(RPD)中。
In OBIEE 10g, most of OBIEE administration tasks were mostly performed either through the Administration tool, the web-based Presentation Server administration screen, or through editing files in the filesystem. There were around 700 or so configuration options spread over multiple tools and configuration files, with some options like users and groups were embedded in unrelated repositories (the RPD).
在 OBIEE 11g 中,所有管理和配置任务都移至融合中间件控制中,也称为企业管理。
In OBIEE 11g, all administration and configuration tasks are moved into Fusion Middleware Control also called as Enterprise Manager.
在 OBIEE 10g 中存在的管理工具在 11g 中也存在,并且用于维护 BI 服务器使用的语义模型。它在维度处理和新数据源方面有一些增强。一项重大的更改是安全性 - 当您打开安全管理器对话框时:
Administration tool that was present in OBIEE 10g is also present in 11g and is used to maintain the semantic model used by the BI Server. It has few enhancements in terms of dimension handling and new data sources. A major change is around security - when you open the Security Manager dialog −
转到管理 → 标识 → 出现安全管理器对话框。
Go to Manage → Identity → Security Manager Dialog box appears.

现在在 WebLogic 服务器管理台中定义用户和应用程序角色。您使用安全管理器定义到其他 LDAP 服务器的附加链接,注册自定义验证器并设置过滤器等。在上面的屏幕截图中,用户列表中显示的用户是 WebLogic 服务器的 JPS(Java 平台安全)服务中保留的用户,RPD 本身不再有任何用户和组。
Users and Application Roles are now defined in the WebLogic Server admin console. You use the Security Manager to define additional links through to other LDAP servers, register custom authenticators and set up filters, etc. In the above screenshot, the users shown in the users list are those that are held in WebLogic Server’s JPS (Java Platform Security) service, and there are no longer any users and groups in the RPD itself.
上面的快照中没有管理员用户。它具有标准管理员用户,在您安装 OBIEE 时将其设置为 WebLogic 服务器管理员,该管理员通常具有用户名 weblogic。
There is no administrator user in above snapshot. It has standard administrator user that you set up as the WebLogic Server administrator when you install OBIEE, which typically has the username weblogic.
还有两个其他默认用户:OracleSystemUser - 各种 OBIEE Web 服务使用此用户与 BI 服务器通信,而 BISystemUser 由 BI Publisher 用作数据源来连接到 BI 服务器。
There are also two additional default users: OracleSystemUser - this user is used by the various OBIEE web services to communicate with the BI Server and BISystemUser is used by BI Publisher to connect to the BI Server as a data source.
在“应用程序角色”选项卡中,您可以看到一个默认应用程序角色列表 - BISystem、BIAdministrator、BIAuthor 和 BIConsumer - 用于授予对演示服务器功能的访问权限。
In Application Roles tab, you can see a list default application roles - BISystem, BIAdministrator, BIAuthor and BIConsumer - which are used to grant access to Presentation Server functionality.
Create a User in OBIEE
要创建新用户,请登录到 WebLogic 服务器管理控制台 → 从融合中间件控制菜单转到安全领域 → 选择 myrealm → 选择用户和组。单击“用户”选项卡,它将向您显示现有用户的列表。
To create a new user, log on to the WebLogic Server admin console → Go to Security Realms from the Fusion Middleware Control menu → Select myrealm → Select Users and Groups. Click on Users tab, it will show you a list of existing users.
单击“新建”。→ 打开新用户对话框 → 输入用户的详细信息。您还可以使用“组”选项卡为用户定义一个组,或将用户分配给现有组。
Click the New. → New user dialog box opens up → enter the user’s details. You can also use the Groups tab to define a group for the user, or assign the user to an existing group.

Configuration and Metadata Files
以下是 OBIEE 11g 中的重要文件位置:
Following are the key file locations In OBIEE 11g −
RPD Directory
WebCat Directory
转到“概览”。您还可以通过 OPMN 停止、启动和重新启动所有系统组件,如 BI 服务器、演示服务器等。
Go to Overview. You can also stop, start and restart all of the system components like BI Server, Presentation Server etc. via OPMN.

You can click the Capacity Management, Diagnostics, Security or Deployment tabs to perform further maintenance.
Capacity Management
我们有以下四个选项可用于容量管理 −
We have the following four options available for capacity management −
Metrics gathered via DMS.
Availability of all the individual system components (allowing you to stop, start and restart them individually).
Scalability is used to increase the number of BI Servers, Presentation Servers, Cluster Controllers and Schedulers in the cluster in conjunction with the “scale out” install option.
Performance option allows you to turn caching on or off and modify other parameters associated with response time.

Diagnostics − Log Messages 向您展示所有服务器错误和警告的视图。 Log Configuration 允许您限制日志的大小,并将信息包含其中。
Diagnostics − Log Messages show you view of all server errors and warnings. Log Configuration allows you to limit the size of logs and information gets included in them.
Security − 用于启用 SSO 并选择 SSO 提供者。
Security − It is used for enabling SSO and selecting the SSO provider.
Deployment − Presentation 允许您设置仪表板默认项、部分标题等。 Scheduler 用于设置调度程序模式的连接详细信息。 Marketing 用于配置 Siebel Marketing Content Server 连接。 Mail 选项用于设置服务器以发送电子邮件警报。 Repository 用于上传新的 RPD 以供 BI Server 使用。
Deployment − Presentation allows you to set dashboard defaults, section headings, etc. Scheduler is used to set the connection details for the scheduler schema. Marketing is for configuring the Siebel Marketing Content Server connection. Mail option is used for setting up the mail server to deliver for email alerts. Repository is used to upload new RPDs for use by the BI Server.