Obiee 简明教程
OBIEE – Basics
OBIEE 代表 Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition ,一组商业智能工具,由 Oracle Corporation 提供。它使用户能够通过丰富的终端用户体验(包括可视化、协作、提醒和更多选项)提供一组强大的报告、即席查询和分析、OLAP、仪表盘和记分卡功能。
OBIEE stands for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, a set of Business Intelligence tools and is provided by Oracle Corporation. It enables the user to deliver robust set of reporting, ad-hoc query and analysis, OLAP, dashboard, and scorecard functionality with a rich end-user experience that includes visualization, collaboration, alerts and many more options.
Key Points
OBIEE provides robust reporting which makes data easier for business users to access.
OBIEE provides a common infrastructure for producing and delivering enterprise reports, scorecards, dashboards, ad-hoc analysis, and OLAP analysis.
OBIEE reduces cost with a proven web-based service-oriented architecture that integrates with existing IT infrastructure.
OBIEE enables the user to include rich visualization, interactive dashboards, a vast range of animated charting options, OLAP-style interactions, innovative search, and actionable collaboration capabilities to increase the user adoption. These capabilities enable your organization to make better decisions, take informed actions, and implement more-efficient business processes.
Competitors in the Market
OBIEE 的主要竞争对手有:Microsoft BI 工具、SAP AG Business Objects、IBM Cognos 以及 SAS Institute Inc.
The main competitors of OBIEE are Microsoft BI tools, SAP AG Business Objects, IBM Cognos and SAS Institute Inc.
由于 OBIEE 能使用户创建交互式仪表板、健壮的报告和动画图表,而且还因为它具有成本效益,所以许多公司广泛地将它用作商业智能解决方案的主要工具之一。
As OBIEE enables the user to create interactive dashboards, robust reports, animated charts and also because of its cost-effectiveness, it is widely used by many companies as one of main tool for Business Intelligence solution.
Advantages of OBIEE
OBIEE 提供了各种类型的可视化功能,可以将它们插入到仪表板中,以便提高交互性。它允许你为最终用户创建 flash 报告、报告模板和即席报告。它提供了与主要数据源的紧密集成,而且还可以与 Microsoft 等第三方供应商集成,从而将数据嵌入到 PowerPoint 演示文稿和 Word 文档中。
OBIEE provides various types of visualizations to insert in dashboards to make it more interactive. It allows you to create flash reports, report templates, and ad-hoc reporting for end users. It provides close integration with major data sources and can also be integrated with third party vendors like Microsoft to embed data in PowerPoint presentations and word documents.
以下是 OBIEE 工具的主要特性和优点:
Following are the key features and benefits of OBIEE tool −
Features |
Key Benefits of OBIEE |
Interactive Dashboards |
Provides fully interactive dashboards and reports with a rich variety of visualizations |
Self-serve Interactive Reporting |
Enable business users to create new analyses from scratch or modify existing analyses without any help from IT |
Enterprise Reporting |
Allows the creation of highly formatted templates, reports, and documents such as flash reports, checks, and more |
Proactive Detection and Alerts |
provides a powerful, near-real-time, multi-step alert engine that can trigger workflows based on business events and notify stakeholders via their preffered medium and channel |
Actionable Intelligence |
Turns insights into actions by providing the ability to invoke business processes from within the business intelligence dashboards and reports |
Microsoft Office Integration |
Enables users to embed up-to-the-minute corporate data in Microsoft PowerPoint, word, and Excel documents |
Spatial Intelligence via Map-based Visualizations |
Allows users to visualize their analytics data using maps, bringing the intuitiveness of spatial visualization to the world of business intelligence |
How to Sign in to OBIEE?
要登录到 OBIEE,可以使用 web URL、用户名和密码。
To sign into OBIEE, you can use web URL, user name and password.
要登录到 Oracle BI Enterprise Edition:
To sign into Oracle BI Enterprise Edition −
Step 1 - 在 Web 浏览器地址栏中,输入 URL 以访问 OBIEE。
Step 1 − In the Web browser address bar, enter URL to access OBIEE.
The "Sign In page" is displayed.

Step 2 - 输入你的用户名和密码 → 选择语言(你可以在“我的账户”对话框的“首选项”选项卡中“用户界面语言”字段中选择其他语言以更改语言)→ 单击“登录”选项卡。
Step 2 − Enter your user name and password → Select the language (You can change the language by selecting another language in the User Interface Language field in the My Account dialog Preferences tab") → Click on Sign In tab.
它将按照配置把你带到下一页:如以下图像所示的 OBIEE 主页或“我的仪表板”页面/“个人仪表板”或特定于你的工作角色的仪表板。
It will take you to the next page as per configuration: OBIEE homepage as shown in the following image or to My Dashboard page/Personal Dashboard or a Dashboard specific to your job role.