Obiee 简明教程
OBIEE – Calculation Measures
Calculated measures is used to perform calculation of facts in logical tables. It defines Aggregation functions in Aggregation tab of logical column in the repository.
Create New Measure
Measures are defined in logical fact tables in repository. Any column with an aggregation function applied on it is called a measure.
常见的示例值包括 − 单价、销量等。
Common measure examples are − Unit Price, quantity sold, etc.
以下是在 OBIEE 中创建值的指南−
Following are the guidelines to create measures in OBIEE −
All aggregation should be performed from a fact logical table and not from a dimension logical table.
All columns that cannot be aggregated should be expressed in a dimension logical table and not in a fact logical table.
可以在管理工具 BMM 层的逻辑表中以两种方式定义计算值 −
Calculated measures can be defined in two ways in logical tables at BMM layer in Administration tool −
Aggregations in logical tables.
Aggregations in logical table source.
Create Calculated Measures in Logical Tables using Administration Tool
Double-click on the column name in the logical Fact table, you will see the following dialog box.

转到聚合选项卡,从下拉列表中选择聚合函数 → 单击确定。
Go to Aggregation tab and select the Aggregate function from the drop-down list → Click OK.

You can add new measures using functions in Expression builder wizard in Column source. Measures represent data that is additive, such as total revenue or total quantity. Click on the save option at the top to save the repository. This is also called creating measures at logical level.
Create Calculated Measures in Logical Table Source using Administration Tool
You can define Aggregations by a double-click on Logical table source to open logical table dialogue box.

Click on Expression builder wizard to define expression.
在表达式生成器中,您可以选择多个选项,如 - 类别、函数和数学函数。
In Expression builder, you can choose multiple options like - Category, functions, and mathematical functions.
Once you select the category, it will show the subcategories inside it. Select the subcategory and mathematical function, and click on the arrow mark to insert it.

现在要编辑值以创建度量,单击源数字,输入计算值(如乘法和除法)→ 转至类别并选择逻辑表 → 选择列以将该乘法/除法应用到现有列值。
Now to edit the value to create measures, click on source number, enter the calculated value like multiple and divide → Go to Category and select logical table → Select column to apply this multiple/division to an existing column value.

Click OK to close the Expression builder. Again click OK to close the dialog box.