Obiee 简明教程
OBIEE – Dashboards
OBIEE 仪表板是一个工具,它让最终用户可以按照业务需求模型运行临时报告和分析。交互式仪表板是像素级报告,最终用户可以直接查看或打印。
OBIEE dashboard is a tool that enables end users to run ad-hoc reports and analysis as per business requirement model. Interactive dashboards are pixel perfect reports which can be directly viewed or printed by end users.
OBIEE 仪表板是 Oracle BI 展示层服务的一部分。如果您的最终用户不想在仪表板中看到所有数据,则可以将提示添加到仪表板,以便最终用户输入他们想要查看的内容。仪表板还允许最终用户从下拉列表、多选框和列中选择项目以在报告中显示。
OBIEE dashboard is part of Oracle BI Presentation layer services. If your end user is not interested in seeing all the data in the dashboard, it allows you to add prompts to the dashboard that allows the end user to enter what he wants to see. Dashboards also allow end users to select from drop-down lists, multi-select boxes and selection of columns to display in the reports.
Dashboard Alerts
甲骨文 BI 仪表板允许您为销售经理设置销售警报,当该公司的预计销售低于预测时,这些警报会出现在交互式仪表板上。
Oracle BI dashboard allows you to set up alerts for sales executives that comes up on the interactive dashboard whenever the company’s projected sales is going to be below forecast.
Create a New Dashboard
要创建新的仪表板,请转到新建 → 仪表板,或还可以单击左侧创建下的仪表板选项。
To create a new Dashboard, go to New → Dashboard or you can also click on Dashboard option under create on the left side.

一旦您单击仪表板,新的仪表板对话框就会打开。输入仪表板的名称和说明,然后选择您想将仪表板保存到何处 → 单击确定。
Once you click on Dashboard, new dashboard dialog box opens up. Enter the name of Dashboard and description and select the location where you want Dashboard to save → click OK.

如果您将仪表板直接保存在 /Shared Folders/ 第一级子文件夹下的仪表板子文件夹中 → 仪表板将在全局页眉的仪表板菜单中列出。
If you save the dashboard in the Dashboards subfolder directly under the /Shared Folders/first level subfolder → dashboard will be listed in the Dashboard menu on the global header.
如果您将其保存在任何其他级别的仪表板子文件夹(比如 /Shared Folders/Sales/Eastern)中,仪表板将不会被列出。
If you save it in a Dashboards subfolder at any other level (such as /Shared Folders/Sales/Eastern), it will not be listed.
如果您选择仪表板子文件夹,该文件夹直接位于 /Shared Folders/ 第一级子文件夹下,且还没有保存任何仪表板,那么新的仪表板文件夹会自动为您创建。
If you choose a folder in the Dashboards subfolder directly under the /Shared Folders/first level subfolder in which no dashboards have been saved, a new Dashboards folder is automatically created for you.
一旦您输入上述字段,仪表板构建器会打开,如下面的快照所示 −
Once you enter the above fields, Dashboard builder will open up as shown in the following snapshot −

Expand the catalog tab, select analysis to add to Dashboard and drag to page layout pane. Save and run the dashboard.

Edit a Dashboard
转到仪表板 → 我的仪表板 → 编辑仪表板。
Go to Dashboard → My Dashboard → Edit Dashboard.

要编辑仪表板。单击下面的图标 → 仪表板属性。
To edit Dashboard. Click on below icon → Dashboard properties.

一个新的对话框会显示,如下面的快照所示。您可执行以下任务 −
A new dialog box will appear as shown in the following snapshot. You can perform the following tasks −
Change the styles (Styles control how dashboards and results are formatted for display, such as the color of text and links, the font and size of text, the borders in tables, the colors and attributes of graphs, and so on). You can add a description.
You can add hidden prompts, filters, and variables. Specify the links that will display with analyses on a dashboard page. You can rename, hide, reorder, set permissions for, and delete dashboard pages.

您还可以通过在对话框中选择页面来编辑仪表板页面属性。您可以做出以下更改 −
You can also edit Dashboard page properties by selecting page in the dialog box. You can make the following changes −
You can change the name of your dashboard page.
You can add a hidden prompt. Hidden prompts are used to set default values for all corresponding prompts on a dashboard page.
You can add permissions for the dashboard and can also delete the selected page. Dashboard pages are permanently deleted.
If more than one dashboard page is in this dashboard, the arrange order icons are enabled using up and down arrows.

To set the report links at the dashboard level, dashboard page, or analysis level click the edit option of Dashboard reporting links.

要添加仪表板页面,请单击新建仪表板页面图标 → 输入仪表板页面名称并单击确定。
To add a dashboard page, click on new Dashboard page icon → Enter the name of dashboard page and click OK.

In Catalog tab, you can add the new another analysis and drag it to page layout area of new dashboard page.
To edit the properties of dashboard like cell width, border, and height, click on column properties. You can set background color, wrap text and additional formatting options.

您还可以通过单击列属性中的条件选项对仪表板数据显示添加条件 −
You can also add a condition on dashboard data display by clicking on condition option in column properties −

要添加条件,请单击条件对话框中的 + 号。您可以基于分析添加条件。
To add a condition, click on + sign in condition dialog box. You can add a condition based on analysis.
Select the condition data and enter the condition parameter.

您还可以通过单击 + 按钮旁边的“更多”号来测试、编辑或删除条件。
You can also test, edit or remove the condition by clicking on ‘more’ sign next to + button.
Save a Customized Dashboard
您可以通过转到页面选项 → 保存当前自定义 → 输入自定义名称 → 单击确定来保存自定义仪表板。
You can save your customized dashboard by going to page options → Save current customizations → Enter the name of customization → Click OK.

要将自定义应用于仪表板页面,请转到页面选项 → 应用已保存的自定义 → 选择名称 → 单击确定。
To apply customization to a dashboard page, go to page option → Apply saved customization → Select name → Click OK.
It allows you to save and view dashboard pages in their current state such as filters, prompts, column sorts, drills in analyses, and section expansion and collapse. By saving customizations, you do not need to make these choices manually each time you access the dashboard page.