Obiee 简明教程
OBIEE – Presentation Layer
表示层用于向用户提供业务模型层(BMM 层)业务模型的自定义视图。主题领域使用 Oracle BI 表示服务提供的表示层。
Presentation layer is used to provide customized views of Business model in BMM layer to users. Subject areas are used in Presentation layer provided by Oracle BI Presentation Services.
可以在表示层创建主题领域的方式有很多。最常见、最简单的方法是将 BMM 层中的业务模型拖动到表示层,然后根据需求对其进行更改。
There are various ways you can create subject areas in Presentation layer. Most common and simple method is by dragging Business Model in BMM layer to Presentation Layer and then making changes to it as per requirement.
You can move columns, remove or add columns in presentation layer so it allows you to make changes in a way that the user shouldn’t see columns that has no meaning for them.
Create Subject Areas/Presentation Catalogues and Presentation Tables in Presentation Layer
Create Subject Areas/Presentation Catalogues and Presentation Tables in Presentation Layer
右键单击表示区域 → 新建主题域 → 在常规选项卡中输入主题域的名称(建议与业务模型类似)→ 单击确定。
Right-click on Presentation area → New Subject Area → In General tab enter the name of subject area (Recommended similar to Business Model) → Click OK.

创建主题区域后,右键单击主题区域 → 新演示表 → 在常规选项卡中,输入演示表的名称 → 确定(添加演示表数量等于报告所需的参量数量)。
Once Subject area is created, right click on subject area → New Presentation table → in General tab, Enter name of presentation table → OK (Add number of presentation tables equal to number of parameters required in the report).

单击权限选项卡 → 权限对话框,您可以在其中将用户或组权限分配给表。
Click the Permissions tab → Permissions dialog box, where you can assign user or group permissions to the table.

Delete a Presentation Table
在演示层中,右键单击主题区域 → 演示目录对话框,单击演示表选项卡 → 转到演示表选项卡,选择一个表并单击移除。
In the Presentation layer, right-click on subject Area → Presentation Catalog dialog box, click the Presentation Tables tab → Go to Presentation Tables tab, select a table and click Remove.
出现确认消息 → 单击“是”以删除表或“否”在目录中留下表 → 单击“确定”。
A confirmation message appears → Click Yes to remove the table or No to leave the table in the catalog → Click OK.
Move a Presentation Table
通过右键单击主题区域转到演示表选项卡 → 在名称列表中,选择要重新排序的表 → 使用拖放重新定位表,或者也可以使用向上和向下按钮重新排序表。
Go to Presentation Tables tab by a right-click on Subject Area → In the Name list, select the table you want to reorder → Use drag-and-drop to reposition the table or you can also use the Up and Down buttons to reorder the tables.
Presentation Columns Under Presentation Table
The name of presentation columns are normally same to the logical column names in the Business Model and Mapping layer. However, you can also enter a different name by unchecking Use Logical Column Name and the Display Custom Name in the Presentation Column dialog box.
Create Presentation Columns
在演示表下创建列的最简单方法是,从 BMM 层中的逻辑表中拖动列。
The most simple way to create columns under Presentation tables is by dragging the columns from logical tables in BMM layer.
选择 BMM 中逻辑表下的对象,并将它们拖动到主题区域下的演示表(使用 Ctrl 键选择多个对象进行拖动)。重复此过程,并将逻辑列添加到剩余的演示表中。
Select the objects under logical tables in BMM and drag them to Presentation tables under subject area (Use Ctrl key to select multiple objects for dragging). Repeat the process and add the logical columns to the remaining presentation tables.
Create a New Presentation Column −
Create a New Presentation Column −
右键单击演示层中的演示表 → 新演示列。
Right-click on Presentation table in the Presentation layer → New Presentation Column.
Presentation Column dialog box appears. To use the name of the logical column, select the Use Logical Column checkbox.

To specify a name that is different name, uncheck the Use Logical Column check box, and then type a name for the column.
要将用户或组权限分配给列,请单击权限 → 在权限对话框中,分配权限 → 单击“确定”。
To assign user or group permissions to the column, click Permissions → In the Permissions dialog box, assign permissions → click OK.

Delete a Presentation Column
右键单击演示层中的演示表 → 单击属性 → 单击列选项卡 → 选择要删除的列 → 单击移除或按 Delete 键 → 单击“是”。
Right-click on presentation table in the Presentation layer → Click on Properties → Click on the Columns tab → Select the column you want to delete → Click Remove or press the Delete key →Click Yes.
To Reorder a Presentation Column
右键单击演示层中的演示表 → 转到属性 → 单击列选项卡 → 选择要重新排序的列 → 使用拖放或向上和向下按钮 → 单击“确定”。
Right-click on presentation table in the Presentation layer → Go to Properties → Click the Columns tab → Select the column you want to reorder → Use drag-and-drop or you can also click Up and Down button → Click OK.