Object Oriented Python 简明教程

Object Oriented Python - Object Serialization


In the context of data storage, serialization is the process of translating data structures or object state into a format that can be stored (for example, in a file or memory buffer) or transmitted and reconstructed later.


In serialization, an object is transformed into a format that can be stored, so as to be able to deserialize it later and recreate the original object from the serialized format.


Pickling 是将 Python 对象层次结构转换为字节流(通常不可读)以写入文件的过程,这也称为序列化。反序列化是逆向操作,其中字节流被转换回正在工作的 Python 对象层次结构。

Pickling is the process whereby a Python object hierarchy is converted into a byte stream (usually not human readable) to be written to a file, this is also known as Serialization. Unpickling is the reverse operation, whereby a byte stream is converted back into a working Python object hierarchy.

Pickle 是存储对象的运维最简单的方式。Python Pickle 模块是一种面向对象的方式,可以将对象直接存储在特殊的存储格式中。

Pickle is operationally simplest way to store the object. The Python Pickle module is an object-oriented way to store objects directly in a special storage format.

What can it do?

  1. Pickle can store and reproduce dictionaries and lists very easily.

  2. Stores object attributes and restores them back to the same State.

What pickle can’t do?

  1. It does not save an objects code. Only it’s attributes values.

  2. It cannot store file handles or connection sockets.


In short we can say, pickling is a way to store and retrieve data variables into and out from files where variables can be lists, classes, etc.


To Pickle something you must −

  1. import pickle

  2. Write a variable to file, something like

pickle.dump(mystring, outfile, protocol),


where 3rd argument protocol is optional To unpickling something you must −


Import pickle


Write a variable to a file, something like

myString = pickle.load(inputfile)


pickle 接口提供了四种不同的方法。

The pickle interface provides four different methods.

  1. dump() − The dump() method serializes to an open file (file-like object).

  2. dumps() − Serializes to a string

  3. load() − Deserializes from an open-like object.

  4. loads() − Deserializes from a string.


Based on above procedure, below is an example of “pickling”.



My Cat pussy is White and has 4 legs
Would you like to see her pickled? Here she is!


So, in the example above, we have created an instance of a Cat class and then we’ve pickled it, transforming our “Cat” instance into a simple array of bytes.


This way we can easily store the bytes array on a binary file or in a database field and restore it back to its original form from our storage support in a later time.


Also if you want to create a file with a pickled object, you can use the dump() method ( instead of the dumps*()* one) passing also an opened binary file and the pickling result will be stored in the file automatically.

binary_file = open(my_pickled_Pussy.bin', mode='wb')
my_pickled_Pussy = pickle.dump(Pussy, binary_file)



The process that takes a binary array and converts it to an object hierarchy is called unpickling.


The unpickling process is done by using the load() function of the pickle module and returns a complete object hierarchy from a simple bytes array.


Let’s use the load function in our previous example.



MeOw is black
Pussy is white


JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)是 Python 标准库的一部分,是一种轻量级数据交换格式。它易于人类阅读和编写。它易于解析和生成。

JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) has been part of the Python standard library is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy to parse and generate.

由于其简单性,JSON 是一种我们存储和交换数据的方式,这是通过其 JSON 语法完成的,且用于许多 Web 应用程序中。因为它采用人类可读的格式,加上它在处理 API 时非常有效,这可能成为使用它进行数据传输的原因之一。

Because of its simplicity, JSON is a way by which we store and exchange data, which is accomplished through its JSON syntax, and is used in many web applications. As it is in human readable format, and this may be one of the reasons for using it in data transmission, in addition to its effectiveness when working with APIs.

JSON 格式数据的示例如下:

An example of JSON-formatted data is as follow −

{"EmployID": 40203, "Name": "Zack", "Age":54, "isEmployed": True}

Python 便于处理 Json 文件。为此目的而使用的模块是 JSON 模块。应将此模块包含(内置)在您的 Python 安装中。

Python makes it simple to work with Json files. The module sused for this purpose is the JSON module. This module should be included (built-in) within your Python installation.

因此,让我们看看如何将 Python 字典转换为 JSON,并将其写入文本文件。

So let’s see how can we convert Python dictionary to JSON and write it to a text file.

JSON to Python

读取 JSON 意味着将 JSON 转换为 Python 值(对象)。json 库将 JSON 解析为 Python 中的字典或列表。为此,我们使用 loads() 函数(从字符串加载),如下所示:

Reading JSON means converting JSON into a Python value (object). The json library parses JSON into a dictionary or list in Python. In order to do that, we use the loads() function (load from a string), as follow −

json to python


json to python output

下面是示例 json 文件之一:

Below is one sample json file,

{"menu": {
   "id": "file",
   "value": "File",
   "popup": {
      "menuitem": [
         {"value": "New", "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"},
         {"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"},
         {"value": "Close", "onclick": "CloseDoc()"}

上面的内容(Data1.json)看起来像传统字典。我们可以使用 pickle 存储此文件,但其输出不是人类可读的格式。

Above content (Data1.json) looks like a conventional dictionary. We can use pickle to store this file but the output of it is not human readable form.

JSON(JavaScript 对象通知)是一种非常简单的格式,这也是它流行的原因之一。现在让我们通过下面的程序来了解 json 输出。

JSON(Java Script Object Notification) is a very simple format and that’s one of the reason for its popularity. Now let’s look into json output through below program.

java script object notification


java script object notification output

以上我们打开了 json 文件(data1.json)进行读取,获取文件处理程序并传递到 json.load 中,然后取回对象。当我们尝试打印对象的输出时,它和 json 文件相同。尽管对象的类型是字典,但它显示为 Python 对象。正如我们看到这个 pickle 一样,写入 json 也很简单。上面我们加载了 json 文件,添加了另一个键值对,并将其写回同一个 json 文件。现在,如果我们查看 data1.json,它看起来是不同的,即它与我们之前看到的格式不同。

Above we open the json file (data1.json) for reading, obtain the file handler and pass on to json.load and getting back the object. When we try to print the output of the object, its same as the json file. Although the type of the object is dictionary, it comes out as a Python object. Writing to the json is simple as we saw this pickle. Above we load the json file, add another key value pair and writing it back to the same json file. Now if we see out data1.json, it looks different .i.e. not in the same format as we see previously.


To make our Output looks same (human readable format), add the couple of arguments into our last line of the program,

json.dump(conf, fh, indent = 4, separators = (‘,’, ‘: ‘))

与 pickle 类似,我们可以使用 dumps 打印字符串,并使用 loads 加载。以下是示例:

Similarly like pickle, we can print the string with dumps and load with loads. Below is an example of that,

string with dumps


YAML 可能是所有人编程语言中最接近于人类的 data 序列化标准。

YAML may be the most human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages.

Python yaml 模块称为 pyaml

Python yaml module is called pyaml

YAML 是 JSON 的替代品:

YAML is an alternative to JSON −

  1. Human readable code − YAML is the most human readable format so much so that even its front-page content is displayed in YAML to make this point.

  2. Compact code − In YAML we use whitespace indentation to denote structure not brackets.

  3. Syntax for relational data − For internal references we use anchors (&) and aliases (*).

  4. One of the area where it is used widely is for viewing/editing of data structures − for example configuration files, dumping during debugging and document headers.

Installing YAML

由于 yaml 不是内置模块,因此我们需手动安装它。在 Windows 计算机上安装 yaml 的最佳方法是通过 pip。在 Windows terminal 上运行以下命令来安装 yaml:

As yaml is not a built-in module, we need to install it manually. Best way to install yaml on windows machine is through pip. Run below command on your windows terminal to install yaml,

pip install pyaml (Windows machine)
sudo pip install pyaml (*nix and Mac)


On running above command, screen will display something like below based on what’s the current latest version.

Collecting pyaml
Using cached pyaml-17.12.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting PyYAML (from pyaml)
Using cached PyYAML-3.12.tar.gz
Installing collected packages: PyYAML, pyaml
Running setup.py install for PyYAML ... done
Successfully installed PyYAML-3.12 pyaml-17.12.1

为了测试它,在 Python shell 中导入 yaml 模块,如果未找到错误,那么我们可以说,安装成功了。

To test it, go to the Python shell and import the yaml module, import yaml, if no error is found, then we can say installation is successful.

安装 pyaml 之后,我们看一下下面的代码,

After installing pyaml, let’s look at below code,


上面,我们创建了三个不同的数据结构、字典、列表和元组。在每个结构上,我们执行 yaml.dump。重点是如何在屏幕上显示输出。

Above we created three different data structure, dictionary, list and tuple. On each of the structure, we do yaml.dump. Important point is how the output is displayed on the screen.


yaml output

字典输出看起来很干净,即 key:value。

Dictionary output looks clean .ie. key: value.


White space to separate different objects.

列表用破折号 (-) 表示。

List is notated with dash (-)

元组首先用 !!Python/tuple 表示,然后用与列表相同格式表示。

Tuple is indicated first with !!Python/tuple and then in the same format as lists.

加载 yaml 文件

Loading a yaml file

假设我有一个 yaml 文件,其中包含,

So let’s say I have one yaml file, which contains,

# An employee record
name: Raagvendra Joshi
job: Developer
skill: Oracle
employed: True
   - Apple
   - Orange
   - Strawberry
   - Mango
   Oracle: Elite
   power_builder: Elite
   Full Stack Developer: Lame
   4 GCSEs
   3 A-Levels
   MCA in something called com

现在,让我们编写代码来通过 yaml.load 函数加载此 yaml 文件。以下是代码。

Now let’s write a code to load this yaml file through yaml.load function. Below is code for the same.

yaml load function

由于输出看起来不是很好读,我在最后使用 json 对它进行了美化。比较我们获得的输出和我们拥有的实际 yaml 文件。

As the output doesn’t looks that much readable, I prettify it by using json in the end. Compare the output we got and the actual yaml file we have.


yaml load function output

软件开发生命中最重要的一方面就是调试。在本节中,我们将了解通过内置调试器或第三方调试器进行 Python 调试的不同方式。

One of the most important aspect of software development is debugging. In this section we’ll see different ways of Python debugging either with built-in debugger or third party debuggers.

PDB – The Python Debugger

模块 PDB 支持设置断点。断点是程序有意暂停的地方,您可以在其中获得更多有关程序状态的信息。

The module PDB supports setting breakpoints. A breakpoint is an intentional pause of the program, where you can get more information about the programs state.


To set a breakpoint, insert the line



import pdb
x = 9
y = 7
total = x + y


We have inserted a few breakpoints in this program. The program will pause at each breakpoint (pdb.set_trace()). To view a variables contents simply type the variable name.

c:\Python\Python361>Python pdb_example1.py
> c:\Python\Python361\pdb_example1.py(8)<module>()
-> total = x + y
(Pdb) x
(Pdb) y
(Pdb) total
*** NameError: name 'total' is not defined

按 c 或继续继续执行程序,直到下一个断点。

Press c or continue to go on with the programs execution until the next breakpoint.

(Pdb) c
> c:\Python\Python361\pdb_example1.py(8)<module>()->None
-> total = x + y
(Pdb) total


Eventually, you will need to debug much bigger programs – programs that use subroutines. And sometimes, the problem that you’re trying to find will lie inside a subroutine. Consider the following program.

import pdb
def squar(x, y):
   out_squared = x^2 + y^2
   return out_squared
if __name__ == "__main__":
   print (squar(4, 5))


Now on running the above program,

c:\Python\Python361>Python pdb_example2.py
> c:\Python\Python361\pdb_example2.py(10)<module>()
-> print (squar(4, 5))

我们可以使用 ? 寻求帮助,但箭头指示即将执行的行。在这个时候,点击 s s 很管用,可以逐步进入该行。

We can use ? to get help, but the arrow indicates the line that’s about to be executed. At this point it’s helpful to hit s to s to step into that line.

(Pdb) s
-> def squar(x, y):

这是对函数的调用。如果您想要了解您所处代码位置的概览,请尝试 l −

This is a call to a function. If you want an overview of where you are in your code, try l −

(Pdb) l
1 import pdb
3 def squar(x, y):
4 -> out_squared = x^2 + y^2
6 return out_squared
8 if __name__ == "__main__":
9 pdb.set_trace()
10 print (squar(4, 5))

您可以点击 n 跳到下一行。此时,您处于 out_squared 方法中,并且可以访问函数内部声明的变量,例如 x 和 y。

You can hit n to advance to the next line. At this point you are inside the out_squared method and you have access to the variable declared inside the function .i.e. x and y.

(Pdb) x
(Pdb) y
(Pdb) x^2
(Pdb) y^2
(Pdb) x**2
(Pdb) y**2

所以我们可以看到 ^ 运算符不是我们想要的,而我们需要使用 ** 运算符来进行平方。

So we can see the ^ operator is not what we wanted instead we need to use ** operator to do squares.


This way we can debug our program inside the functions/methods.


自 Python 2.3 版本以来,logging 模块就已成为 Python 标准库的一部分。由于它是一个内置模块,所有 Python 模块都可以参与日志记录,以便我们的应用程序日志可以包含您自己的消息,以及来自第三方模块的消息。它提供了大量的灵活性与功能。

The logging module has been a part of Python’s Standard Library since Python version 2.3. As it’s a built-in module all Python module can participate in logging, so that our application log can include your own message integrated with messages from third party module. It provides a lot of flexibility and functionality.

Benefits of Logging

  1. Diagnostic logging − It records events related to the application’s operation.

  2. Audit logging − It records events for business analysis.


Messages are written and logged at levels of “severity” &minu

  1. DEBUG (debug()) − diagnostic messages for development.

  2. INFO (info()) − standard “progress” messages.

  3. WARNING (warning()) − detected a non-serious issue.

  4. ERROR (error()) − encountered an error, possibly serious.

  5. CRITICAL (critical()) − usually a fatal error (program stops).


Let’s looks into below simple program,

import logging


logging.debug('this message will be ignored') # This will not print
logging.info('This should be logged') # it'll print
logging.warning('And this, too') # It'll print

上面我们正在记录严重性级别的消息。首先,我们导入该模块,调用 basicConfig 并设置日志记录级别。我们在上面设置的级别为 INFO。然后,我们有三个不同的语句:debug 语句、info 语句和 warning 语句。

Above we are logging messages on severity level. First we import the module, call basicConfig and set the logging level. Level we set above is INFO. Then we have three different statement: debug statement, info statement and a warning statement.

Output of logging1.py

INFO:root:This should be logged
WARNING:root:And this, too

由于 info 语句在 debug 语句之后,我们无法看到 debug 消息。要也在输出终端中获取 debug 语句,我们需要更改的只是 basicConfig 的级别。

As the info statement is below debug statement, we are not able to see the debug message. To get the debug statement too in the Output terminal, all we need to change is the basicConfig level.

logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG)


And in the Output we can see,

DEBUG:root:this message will be ignored
INFO:root:This should be logged
WARNING:root:And this, too

另外,默认行为表示,如果我们未设置任何日志记录级别,则为 warning。只需注释掉上述程序的第二行并运行该代码即可。

Also the default behavior means if we don’t set any logging level is warning. Just comment out the second line from the above program and run the code.

#logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG)


WARNING:root:And this, too


Python built in logging level are actually integers.

>>> import logging
>>> logging.DEBUG
>>> logging.CRITICAL
>>> logging.WARNING
>>> logging.INFO
>>> logging.ERROR


We can also save the log messages into the file.

logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG, filename = 'logging.log')


Now all log messages will go the file (logging.log) in your current working directory instead of the screen. This is a much better approach as it lets us to do post analysis of the messages we got.


We can also set the date stamp with our log message.

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s')


Output will get something like,

2018-03-08 19:30:00,066 DEBUG:this message will be ignored
2018-03-08 19:30:00,176 INFO:This should be logged
2018-03-08 19:30:00,201 WARNING:And this, too



Benchmarking or profiling is basically to test how fast is your code executes and where the bottlenecks are? The main reason to do this is for optimization.



Python comes with a in-built module called timeit. You can use it to time small code snippets. The timeit module uses platform-specific time functions so that you will get the most accurate timings possible.


So, it allows us to compare two shipment of code taken by each and then optimize the scripts to given better performance.


The timeit module has a command line interface, but it can also be imported.


There are two ways to call a script. Let’s use the script first, for that run the below code and see the Output.

import timeit
print ( 'by index: ', timeit.timeit(stmt = "mydict['c']", setup = "mydict = {'a':5, 'b':10, 'c':15}", number = 1000000))
print ( 'by get: ', timeit.timeit(stmt = 'mydict.get("c")', setup = 'mydict = {"a":5, "b":10, "c":15}', number = 1000000))


by index: 0.1809192126703489
by get: 0.6088525265034692


Above we use two different method .i.e. by subscript and get to access the dictionary key value. We execute statement 1 million times as it executes too fast for a very small data. Now we can see the index access much faster as compared to the get. We can run the code multiply times and there will be slight variation in the time execution to get the better understanding.


Another way is to run the above test in the command line. Let’s do it,

c:\Python\Python361>Python -m timeit -n 1000000 -s "mydict = {'a': 5, 'b':10, 'c':15}" "mydict['c']"
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.187 usec per loop

c:\Python\Python361>Python -m timeit -n 1000000 -s "mydict = {'a': 5, 'b':10, 'c':15}" "mydict.get('c')"
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.659 usec per loop


Above output may vary based on your system hardware and what all applications are running currently in your system.


Below we can use the timeit module, if we want to call to a function. As we can add multiple statement inside the function to test.

import timeit

def testme(this_dict, key):
   return this_dict[key]

print (timeit.timeit("testme(mydict, key)", setup = "from __main__ import testme; mydict = {'a':9, 'b':18, 'c':27}; key = 'c'", number = 1000000))

