Opencv Python 简明教程
OpenCV Python - Reading an image
CV2 程序包(OpenCV-Python 库的名称)提供了 imread() 函数来读取图像。
The CV2 package (name of OpenCV-Python library) provides the imread() function to read an image.
读取图像的命令如下 −
The command to read an image is as follows −
img=cv2.imread(filename, flags)
flags 参数是对以下常量的枚举 −
The flags parameters are the enumeration of following constants −
cv2.IMREAD_COLOR (1) − Loads a color image.
cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE (0) − Loads image in grayscale mode
cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED (-1) − Loads image as such including alpha channel
该函数将返回一个图像对象,可以使用 imshow() 函数来渲染该对象。imshow() 函数的命令如下 −
The function will return an image object, which can be rendered using imshow() function. The command for using imshow() function is given below −
cv2.imshow(window-name, image)
图像将在一个已命名窗口中显示。使用 AUTOSIZE 标志集创建一个新的窗口。 WaitKey() 是一种键盘绑定函数。它的参数以毫秒为单位的时间。
The image is displayed in a named window. A new window is created with the AUTOSIZE flag set. The WaitKey() is a keyboard binding function. Its argument is the time in milliseconds.
The function waits for specified milliseconds and keeps the window on display till a key is pressed. Finally, we can destroy all the windows thus created.
The function waits for specified milliseconds and keeps the window on display till a key is pressed. Finally, we can destroy all the windows thus created.
显示 OpenCV 徽标的程序如下 −
The program to display the OpenCV logo is as follows −
import numpy as np
import cv2
# Load a color image in grayscale
img = cv2.imread('OpenCV_Logo.png',1)
上述程序将按如下方式显示 OpenCV 徽标 −
The above program displays the OpenCV logo as follows −