Orientdb 简明教程

OrientDB - Drop Cluster

Drop Cluster 命令将删除群集及其所有相关内容。此操作是永久性的并回滚。

The Drop Cluster command removes the cluster and all its related content. This operation is permanent and rollback.

以下语句是 Drop Cluster 命令的基本语法。

The following statement is the basic syntax of Drop Cluster command.

DROP CLUSTER <cluster-name>|<cluster-id>

其中 <cluster-name> 定义要删除的群集的名称, <cluster-id> 定义要删除的群集的 ID。

Where <cluster-name> defines the name of the cluster you want to remove and <cluster-id> defines the ID of the cluster you want to remove.


尝试以下命令以删除 Sales 群集。

Try the following command to remove Sales cluster.

orientdb> DROP CLUSTER Sales


If the above query is executed successfully, you will get the following output.

Cluster dropped successfully